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Gtothepoweroface April 26, 2021 5:02 pm

THE PLOT: Candy, Uno, and Shadow (code names) are all part of the same secret agent agency. This agency is chasing after Hajun’s father, because he is making weapons for a foreign country, not the country that they live in. Their mission is to find Hajun’s father and stop the weapon making. Turns out, the agency actually wants the blueprints of the weapons to make them for themselves instead of destroying them. Uno is in on this plan while Shadow and Candy don’t know.
Last chapter, Ch. 50: Uno went to Shadow’s hideout and forced him to send a code to Candy. That code is what told Candy MISSION ABORT! So, he broke up with Hajun.
P.S there are also a lot of other factors that led to the break up with Hajun but not including them in this post

    Johanne April 26, 2021 9:03 pm

    Thank you, i really needed it hahahaha (≧∀≦)

Gtothepoweroface April 16, 2021 8:14 pm

Okay so I just realized something. Yun/Destiny the butterfly said he got bullied because his wings were not symmetrical. One has two dots while the other only has one. YUNHOS MOLES!!!!!

    MISHA April 26, 2021 6:42 pm

    I know right???? Every part of this masterpiece is so well drawn, not to mention these things!! Every time I realised something I was just screaming how perfect this manhwa is the mole thing you just mentioned and his tattoo is also a butterfly on his lower back!!! OMG.

    Gtothepoweroface April 26, 2021 6:49 pm
    I know right???? Every part of this masterpiece is so well drawn, not to mention these things!! Every time I realised something I was just screaming how perfect this manhwa is the mole thing you just me... MISHA


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