His brother is one damn selfish bastard. He ruins a marriage, ruins his friends' and family's life, ruins people's future relationships and ends up committing suicide?
Sorry but the author didn't do the 'suicide' thing properly. I've depression and you don't just go from being a normal person to being rejected and suddenly wanting to commit suicide
That ain't how it works sis'.
Anyway, his brother is the worst tbh. No one deserved all the hell he made them go through, that guy is absolutely horrible.
Anyway, I really hope we'll get more chapters on the second couple (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

I disagree. The brother isnt selfish for what he has done. I also have depression, and i seem quite fine to others. They dont need to know. But not everyone is as strong as you. You never know what others are going through. No one in my family knows. He could have been struggling with life and finally found his oasis only to be rejected. Ofcourse this is NOT the father/teacher's fault. Yes many, id say majority of people struggle with life but like i said not everyone is strong or has something strong enough to keep them going. The sucide rate in Jap and Korea are high as well. All these factors contribute to justify the author' work.

Yeah I agree on depression not showing on some people, I'm one of those people. What I'm talking about is the way the author didn't handle the topic well. It seems like she jumped to depression right away, she didn't show anything about the hyung having depression, he went from being happy af, to committing suicide. Makes zero sense to me.
As an author, you have to show your audience something, it's a build up. And the way I see it, the fact that he loved his brother way too much, and based on his personality (as portrayed so far) suicide is out of character.
Anyway, good luck to you, I hope you'll find a way to control it. It's definitely part of us, instead of denying it, it's best to take control of it as much as possible. Keep on fighting, I wish you peaceful days, and please seek help. We all need it sometimes.

I see. I agree the author failed to present needed details as well. But thats quite common if ya read alot of manga and watch alot of anime,right?
Thanks, though you might mean well i always dislike hearing that sorta thing. But i wish you whatever is healthy for you. Im fine as long as Long as i have i have anime n my baby. Ah sweet shounen Ai and yaoi. Where were they back in my angry teen days. Anger is damn heavy. Im alot lighter now. Depression is another thing. Step by step. I deal with stuff alone. Im cool.

To me Yanek was his "savior", he taught him a lot, prolly helped get revenge, and just overall a saver and his master.
But with Ein, no. To me it looks like he REALLY IS IN LOVE WITH HIM. Like the way he tolds him he looks sad, feels like with Yanek, Diesel simply got a "nicer" master, but a master nonetheless. He still uses him in exchange of the security he offers him.
With Ein it's the complete opposite, you can tell the two are deeply in love, even though it looks like they haven't realized it yet. Ein is his lover, Yanek was his master.
TBH after all the shit Diesel dealt with he deserves to live in peace.
Yanek used him, Einn wanted him to live like any normal person/dog.
That's justt the way I see it.(▰˘◡˘▰)

Even Ein said, that Yanek is infatuated with him, that means that he treat Diesel like someone precious and close to him. Also author said in last chapter, that Diesel and Yanek were happy together. Beetwean they were feelings and i don t understand why some peopke try to denay this.
I have feeling, that a lot people here are yong and they think like you can truly love only one person in your life, but it s not true. I have also feelings, that yor sympathy(or lack) towards Ein or Yanek decide, that you think, who Diesel love or not.

Agree, being infatueated is something more than maste relatioship, it s includes romantic feelings. Diesel was happy with Yanek, even author said that.
I believe, that Diesel love both Yanek and Ein.
Even when Yanek saved Diesel, he s not some doll and still has preferences towards people, it s not like Diesel go into romantic relatioship with anyone, who would save him. Yanek is attractive man and gives Diesel a lot of small thigs to love him, treats him like lover not master. Also, when they had sparing, they both had fun.
Also think about opposite situation, when Ein, not Yanek saved Diesel and live happy together like lovers. In this case also would you think, that what Diesel feels is not love, only gratitude?

For me Diesel loves both of them. Like someone said people can love more, than one time in their life. They are different kinds of love, but i don t think, that Diesel could fall for anyone. Diesel knows, that Yanek is criminal, that being with him could be end of him, but he made his own decission, that he wants stay with him, cause he was loving him.

i am one who doesn't think diesel was ever in love w yanek not in the way most people think: the romantic way. i think yanek felt safe, and sometimes people feel affection for those who give them that safe feeling. adding sex to the equation doesn't equal love either. so many people confuse love for sex and vice versa. ein is someone i think he loves romantically. i can't remember what chapter it was, but didn't diesel ask ein about love? if diesel was ever really in love w yanek, do you think he would've known? it's just my opinion though haha who knows how this will all go?

I loved this story, I loved the developement of it's plot, but the ending WAS. NOT. IT SIS.
I feel like the ending was rushed. Subin (realistically speaking) would've never been able to go back to being friendly like that with Hyoonwoo and vice versa.
Hyung and Subin just wouldn't have worked out too, cause really that relationship was borderline toxic for Hyung.
I feel like the author wanted to be realistic AND unique.
But just kinda missed the "realistic" point she was tryna make with that ending.
Realistically speaking, Subin would've either ended up alone, or would've broken up with hyung after a while and got together with Hyunwoo.
I get it, as an author you wanna do something different sometimes, but consistancy is very important too.
So many manhwas are terrible with endings, I wonder why??
(≧∀≦) Aaaaaaaa they're do cuuute
I understand your excitement (≧∀≦) but always double check what you write, okay? *I'll give you a head pat for your effort*
Lmaoo Aaaaah leave me alone foreigner your language is too difficult *inserts SpongeBob caveman meme* (≧∀≦)