every time i see the title all i can think of is "same" lol
i don'f remember what happened before the new chapters i feel like that one meme with the guy holding pizza boxes coming into a room full of chaos and everything is on fire.
i love the buff maids so much omg.
and wait wait he's only 24?? and she's 10. lol he would have been 14 when she was born.
i'm on chapter 40, and they've been tryna get rebecca to get engaged to marry the crown prince. but broooo i saw spoilers that her mom is actually the dukes sister who was SA'd by the emperor, which resulted in rebecca. which the emperor knows full well. but why the actual hell is he tryna marry rebecca to his son??? they're siblings bruh. blood siblings!!!!! he's sick. and the old ass high priest guy can go choke on a dick. i read that he's leona's grandfather. i think he knows too. but is still plotting against her family. why does the church always gotta be so corrupted and evil in every manhwa on here? the main villains in basically every story are either the emperor, the church, or the emperor AND the church. smh.
i've noticed that every story on this website draws men wearing gloves that don't cover the whole palm of their hands and it always distracts me because all i can think of is how uncomfortable it would be to wear those lmao
the little kitty in a hood in a basket is too precious!!!
but it's incredibly depressing that just thinking about her maternal grandpa made her lights of happiness turn off. that man is evil.