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BamGotShoot June 14, 2020 9:42 pm

I dont understand why people feel sorry for Sebin. Why would you want such a pushover for a boyfriend. With no ambitions in life. And no purpose except to please me. It's pathetic.

    Bangtan Forever June 16, 2020 1:24 am

    Wtf. Sebin is such a good guy and cares a lot for shinwoo. Calling him pathetic is really harsh because he’s done nothing wrong unlike shinwoo and Taesoo. Sebin obviously deserves a lot better but when you love someone it’s hard to let go.

    BamGotShoot June 16, 2020 4:56 pm
    Wtf. Sebin is such a good guy and cares a lot for shinwoo. Calling him pathetic is really harsh because he’s done nothing wrong unlike shinwoo and Taesoo. Sebin obviously deserves a lot better but when you lo... Bangtan Forever

    Yeah he has all the qualities I would look for in a dog. For a lover I don't want a slave ready to do whatever I want and doesn't even say anything when I cheat. He has no personality except saying yes to everything Shinwoo wants. How can I respect a man who doesn't even respect himself. So again pathetic.

    beesw June 16, 2020 9:54 pm
    Yeah he has all the qualities I would look for in a dog. For a lover I don't want a slave ready to do whatever I want and doesn't even say anything when I cheat. He has no personality except saying yes to every... BamGotShoot

    I agree completely... Everyone feels bad for him but he's kinda brought all of this upon himself. If he was more assertive none of it would be happening :/

    Mehr.X June 17, 2020 10:09 am

    That's why people feel sorry for him

    If he was anything bad... even just a bit he wouldn't deserve it...

    BamGotShoot June 17, 2020 6:53 pm
    That's why people feel sorry for himIf he was anything bad... even just a bit he wouldn't deserve it... Mehr.X

    I don't understand what you are saying. Read your post again and think about how understandable your post is without the context you made up in your head.

    I don't think your dots "..." did anything to the post except making it even less understandable.

    "That's why" how are we supposed to know what "that" is? "he wouldn't deserve it..." deserve what? Deserve people feeling bad for him or getting cheated on?

    Mehr.X June 17, 2020 7:41 pm
    I don't understand what you are saying. Read your post again and think about how understandable your post is without the context you made up in your head. I don't think your dots "..." did anything to the post ... BamGotShoot

    He wouldn't deserve people people pity had he done anything bad

    Anyway if you feel he doesn't deserve pity... that is up to you...

    I don't particularly feels bad for him too, though probably wouldn't go as far as to call him pathethic as you...

    I mean you asked why people pity him... I just told you why...

    If you still don't understand... I'm just to lazy to explain more

    Master June 19, 2020 7:42 pm

    damn calling him pathetic is pretty harsh
    yes he is a pushover but he doesn't deserve all the shit shinwoos done to him
    yes he couldve just stand up for himself but he didnt because he thought that would make shinwoo leave him
    he was simply way too in love and didnt want to lose his lover if he went against him
    he's a nice dude who's loyal but even tho he was so nice shinwoo still cheated on him and I thinks that's reason enough to feel pity for him

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