No Homo's experience ( All 0 )

No Homo's answer ( All 9 )

nice form   reply
11 05,2021
that was fun, I hope we can do an isekai quiz next   reply
08 05,2021
i wanna cry   1 reply
07 05,2021
everything you hoes do   reply
05 05,2021
blatant racism and just a shitty circle of people. i cant believe some ppl can actually have the audacity to say black people cant be racist when things like this happens/ even without racism, they are still just really rude jerks tbh.   reply
22 04,2021

No Homo's question ( All 6 )

No Homo 29 08,2023
I don't have reddit but I saw things like these on tiktok and I really do need advice:

I, 20 F, and currently with my secret long term boyfriend, 60 M, of two years. He's married and has two kids (one of them is my best friend, she doesn't know obviously, the other is 10 M), but we kept it under wraps so it doesn't really matter.

Anyways, the thing is the sex is so good - I'm talking the mind blowing because he is packingggg (like judge me all you want but you would understand if you saw his junk) but I feel like we've been getting wayyyyyy too comfortable.

While his youngest is at school and his wife/daughter are at work, I come over (I quit my job spend more tine with him) and we are like bunnies in heat (๑•ㅂ•)و✧, we do it everywhere. On the kitchen counter, in his son's bed, on the dressing table, in the bath, I mean everywhere.

One time the younger kid comes back from school early! and he freaking walks in on us doing the devil's deed on his sister's bedroom (what was he even gonna do there, that freak to be honest) but its fine because I shut him up by guilting him that if he tells anyone he will be the reason his family breaks apart so its fine.

But the problem comes after because I think my bf developed that kink where you like being watched... he literally bought like 10 mannequin sex doll things just to place them around us while we have sex. It's made me sooo uncomfortable so I lashed out at him and said I won't have sex with you anymore if you don't get rid of those.

We haven't had sex for 3 days but I'm like so horny, and I feel bad. Maybe I was am I the asshole? should I apologise to my bf because everyone has kinks tbh. Thanks guys in advance, I appreciate it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
29 08,2023
No Homo 13 06,2021
1. When you first joined mangago, who were the 'popular' or 'famous' users?

2. Who are some users who you realised aren't that active anymore?

3. Who are the 'popular' or 'famous' users now?

4. Who is your favourite users (top 10)?

5. Who is the user you wish you could be friends with but are too scared to ask? (((---)))

13 06,2021
about question
No Homo 22 04,2021
So like I was browsing through “Scream Here” and some stuff are genuinely troubling:
A 13 year old died because of being bodyshamed wtf
How toxic is the people around you omg?
Your dad touching you is NOT okay
What kind of asshole made you feel this way?
Its sad how things like this is still going on even in 2021

There’s more and there is ALOOOT that I find concerning but i can’t link them all, its soo much effort and im lazy sorry guys

That brings me to what I wanted to say:

ALL of your pain is VALID, it doesn’t matter if someone is going through something “worse”, life isn’t the oppression olympics, and you guys are allowed to be angry, sad and stuff going on in your life regardless of what other people are going through. I hope you know and remember that.
22 04,2021
mine is deku from mha
08 04,2021
for my art assignment i need to photo of a crushed up can,please, take a photo of any ccrushed can u have. the photoes on the internet look too proffessionl its like night time my brains not workkidhfusijbx
03 03,2021

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

4 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

6 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


16 hours