So like I was browsing through “Scream Here” and some stuff are genuinely troubling: 13 year old died because of being bodyshamed wtf toxic is the people around you omg? dad touching you is NOT okay kind of asshole made you feel this way? sad how things like this is still going on even in 2021 straight facts honestly I HATE SOCIETY TOO LOOKING AT ALL OF YOUR ANSWERS
There’s more and there is ALOOOT that I find concerning but i can’t link them all, its soo much effort and im lazy sorry guys
That brings me to what I wanted to say:
ALL of your pain is VALID, it doesn’t matter if someone is going through something “worse”, life isn’t the oppression olympics, and you guys are allowed to be angry, sad and stuff going on in your life regardless of what other people are going through. I hope you know and remember that.