cann i have revenge recomendation?


what is omegaverse actually? like it has alpha and stuff but they are all humans??? arent they wolves..?

he llo hel lo i was waiting to use this-
By yours truly, ~YesButLikeNo~
I will be explaining the general definitions, for extensive detail, you can google. That being said, I’m no omega verse expert and there may be things I miss.
what is omega verse?
It’s a fictional Alternative Universe so I have to stress that nothing in this world is absolute and can differ from creator to creator. Which is why usually, the creator will have a page explaining their specific omega verse. But generally omega verse is a world made for males to be able to pregnant. It follows the social scale of wolves, that being Alpha, Beta and Omega (also shortened as A/B/O). Of course, there are exceptions which add or take away certain world rules.
Alpha, Beta and Omega aren’t actually werewolves. There are other ranks, but I don’t know much of them since they aren’t added frequently. It is the names for the hierarchy that is generally present in this world. And there are also female A/B/O More details below:
Alpha are the highest on the social scales, said to be superior to Beta and Omega. They are known as the aggressive and dominant ones. Much like the world itself, female alphas biology will differ per story. Some have normal penises while others, this is the most popular alternative, can have retractable penises. They either have small wombs (lowering their chances of being pregnant) or none at all. They also have a high sperm count to make it easier for them to impregnate someone. They are normally said to take up 20% of the population. They can lose control when omegas go into heat as they are affected by pheromones (more on that later).
They are the most normal out of the three. Taking up the majority of the population, that being 70%. There isn’t much that sets them apart from people in real life. But sometimes, they can release weaker scents. They can still be affected by omega pheromones but are much less likely to become out of control as an alpha would. Betas usually will find love with a fellow beta, but there are instances, of course, where they can get in a relationship with a A/O. Male betas won’t be pregnant nor will female betas be able to impregnate,
They are seen as the most inferior compared to Alphas and Betas. They are also the rarest type, being only 10% of the population. Omegas are the ones who can get pregnant. They also have heats, which is when they release pheromones. They have a heating cycle and a heating season, in these times, they are more likely to be pregnant. I’m not exactly sure the biological specifics for them to be able to reproduce, in some omega verses they undergo physical changes.
Out of ~10~ people. ~2~ are alphas. ~7~ are betas. ~1~ is an omega.
Important Words
I’ve briefly touched upon this in the definitions of A/B/O. Heats are exclusive to omegas only, and I think this would be why Omegas are seen as inferior and sometimes discriminated. Heats make Omegas really aroused and vulnerable. During the heating season, they are most fertile and in some universes, this is the only time to impregnate them. They release really strong pheromones, which arouse those around them.
They are the alpha version of omega’s heats. Instead being in a state of total vulnerability, they instead are even more aggressive than usual. In some verses, they have their own rut cycle but in others, they can only be triggered by omega’s heat. Just like omegas, they will release lots of pheromones, also arousing those around them. Basically, they go ape shit in bed.
This can prevent or calm down an omega’s heat (heat suppressants). Usually are presented in the form of pills, but it can also be injections. There are also usually a rut suppressants, which is the same thing apart from the fact this is made for ruts.
Marking in exclusive to Alphas and Omegas generally, of course, this is not absolute. This is where the Alpha will bite the omega’s nape. Marking them as theirs. This is sort of marking territory. Basically, bonding them together, making them their mates. This can protect the omega from other alphas/betas during heats as this will make it known that they already have as significant other.
Nesting is where an omega will make a ‘nest’ from collecting soft materials as a protection for themselves and their child. Generally, nests are made up of their significant other’s possessions as this is where they would obviously feel the safest. The scent on their lover will naturally calm them.
Also known as ‘plug’. So basically, the alpha (sometimes beta) penis will swell up and be ‘locked’ in the partner. This is to increase the chance of fertility or impregnation since this prevents semen from leaking out.

guys is it normal to feel like throwing up while reading sex scenes... its not, r? but like i ENJOY reading them so why do i feel like throwing up at the same time? yall i need answers- im horny and nausiated rn Q-Q

When I started reading yaoi which was about 5 years ago I got that same sensation. I think it’s cuz I wasn’t used to it or porn in general, it would make my stomach really sick but for some reason I liked the stories and it was cute and sexy. Now I get that sensation with the reeeeeeaaally messed up, unrealistic, painful looking, rape yaoi. I literally stay the f away from those types. So yeah it might be because your not used to it or if you’ve been reading it for a while already maybe your still uncomfortable with the idea of seeing two guys ram eachother. I guess it’s normal but idk. Unless you actually throw up then maybe try reading shounen ai until you feel like you want to to see more explicit things.

Sorry lol I meant to reply to the first person

Ive been reading yaois for a yr now, this just started happening. i dont get that feeling for yaois i dont enjoy. like, i was reading this cute yaoi: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/chihira_kun_wa_maryoku_ga_tarinai/ and suddenly i started feeling like vomiting

Hmm for me I haven’t watched porn or stuff cuz they made me sick and then for yaoi sex scenes I feel the same too, I mean somehow I get a bit turned on but feel kinda guilty(?) and disgusted like throwing up too?? I generally don’t feel that comfortable with sexual things even though I kinda enjoy reading too yeah I’m confused too lol. I even thought if I was asexual because of that, I mean I don’t mean romantic things, just about the sexual stuff. Well I still dunno so I hope you can find the answer lol

can anyone give me some really fucked up disgusting shit?
like: hypnosis, incest, shotacon, cheating, can be straight or BL.

http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/uruwashi_no_tinker_bellsou/ this is weird as hell

here's a list~

Alrighty I also have a whole list XD
recommend me a yaoi where the same has a huge sex drive, idc how popular
Yoru To Asa No Uta
Same mangaka as Yatamomo