He would deserve better if had not coveted what Joowon and Haesoo had and later got obsessed with it.
He would deserve better if it hadn't been him who in full consciousness of the mind decided to get himself involved with Haesoo and his complicated love life.
He would deserve better if he had not selfishly pressured, and on one occasion even attempted to guilt trip, Haesoo into a trial-dating despite knowing that he wasn't ready for a new relationship after the heartbreaking end of his decade-old one.
He would deserve better if he had not been so manipulative toward Haesoo the entire damn story.
He would deserve better if he had not treated his past lovers like "candy" and threw them away after he no longer found them interesting.
He would deserve better if his get-go plan with Haesoo had not been seeking a fling for him to pass the time with while he was temporarily staying in Korea and breaking up with him afterwards when he had to go back not thinking of Haesoo's feelings one bit in the process.
He would deserve better if he had not been a complete sociopath who enjoyed seeing Haesoo sad
And he would deserve better if he had not outright told Haesoo he could fucking use him as a rebound.
Yes, Taku would deserve so much better, if only he hadn't commited any of these things. Therefore he DOES NOT deserve better. Period.
2020-12-07 21:14 marked
Super controversial and prolly gonna get hate for this but idc