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remembrance March 7, 2025 7:00 pm

i've liked haesoo so far but she was really self-centered and selfish in this chapter. she tells taeha "we're not dating, so don't get any ideas" to protect herself and when he says "ok" she makes him out to be the guy by thinking "wow you don't even care so you really were only after my body i knew you were promiscuous". bitch you acted like you were only after his body first. did she never even consider that he was also just trying to protect himself by saying he was ok with that? does she think she's the only one who has feelings or what?

    TP Girl March 7, 2025 7:33 pm

    Yeah I kinda agree with you on that take. She was really only thinking of herself when she said that (can’t blame her for that) but I also think she’s trying to think the worse of him to not only protect herself but to also not hurt him with him having some expectations. Which has back fired of course since his feelings did get hurt a bit. She’s putting up a wall so that neither of them will get hurt from having any sort of expectations. Those are just my thoughts.

remembrance February 23, 2025 11:28 am

i don't want minhyung and yijae to have a happy ending together. when someone as lovely as namhyun dies someone needs to be sad about it forever and yijae should be that person. and minhyung the one who killed him should rot in hell

    scude February 23, 2025 3:55 pm

    “someone needs to be sad forever” NO WAY you said that absolutely nobody has to be sad forever that somebody lovely died. everybody deserves to move on and find happiness instead of drowning in the memories of that person. of course they should hold them in good memory and look back fondly at them, and not completely forget their existence. but this isnt it. getting over the death of a loved one is hard, and absolutely nobody should be sad forever that is literally torture no hate

    remembrance February 23, 2025 6:43 pm

    it's fiction bae i like it when they're sad forever like those stories where an immortal keeps mourning their mortal lover forever i live for that kind of shit

    scude February 23, 2025 7:24 pm
    it's fiction bae i like it when they're sad forever like those stories where an immortal keeps mourning their mortal lover forever i live for that kind of shit remembrance

    honestly based
    i took it too serious

    remembrance February 23, 2025 8:40 pm
    honestly based i took it too serious scude

    lmao thank you. and it's all good, there's people irl who have lost someone and feel guilty for finding happiness even though that person's gone and i'm sure they'd appreciate your comment. you're right, they deserve to be happy

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