Japan always has this problem of
1) Male MC's being physically assaulted by their female counterparts whether that be a family member, friend or lover but making it "comedy" not really a fan of that tbh
2) Men talking about women's bodies and followed by the huehuehue laugh. Especially prevalent in shounen manga. I get that those men are attracted to women but please don't be creepy and also why is a single digit year old child being told by a twenty plus something year old man of what womanly body they like?
3) Japan and it's love hate relationship with homosexuality. Ah, japan. The land where fujoshi and fundanshi were coined and spread. Japan loves using homosexuality as comedy. Usually homosexuality between men. The amount of male MC's who audibly say that gay men disgust them or show them shivering in disgust at the thought of being hit on by a guy just like as them to a girl who doesn't even want to talk to them? haha and then make it seem like comedy. If I had a yen for the amount of I don't swing that way jokes in manga? I'd probably be rich enough to buy Nintend0. It's just a joke, don't fact check me on that lol
Just wanted to rant and express what I've come across. Will still keep reading cause a slice of life isekai without a harem is so rare