wilson August 17, 2024 9:33 am

I wish your hair gets bubble gum stuck in it.

    Cokit September 12, 2024 7:47 pm

    While stubbing her toe

wilson August 13, 2024 1:25 pm

I searched for this in NU but I can't find it
Also will there be any romance in the future? I already love the art style and premise that I probably won't drop this unless the romance is THAT bad.

Anyone? please help this poor soul

wilson August 11, 2024 7:27 pm

I'm liking this so far... but..

An elf just got introduced which opens the possibility of romance or harem even, and then an insecure villain who was the cause of all those bad rumors to MC all in one chapter.

Though considering how they wrote the mother and daughter from a foreign country, I have high hopes for the probable romance to at least not be rubbish like the others and if possible with just one love interest please. (I know this is a

    wilson August 11, 2024 7:32 pm

    pirated website and this will not reach the author)

    As for the insecure buffoon I hope he gets mauled by rice cake. I hate characters like his the most. Makes my blood boil when they're on screen.

    I'm still hoping for no romance or harem. I'm not looking for a fight. I just don't like romance or harem as it usually makes me drop manga and novels depending on how they're implemented. If you like it you like it. I'm just a rando online sharing my opinion.

    Nizze August 11, 2024 7:48 pm

    Nah I get you... authors are pretty shtty at making romance tbh... and the way they portray women in general is just... the worst.
    Yk, it's like... people sometimes ask why some women prefer bl than hetero romance... and I'm like... because those female characters are trash? As women we involuntarily associate with them... and that horrible... with bl at least we don't go through that.
    It's not that we hate romance... we just dont want it cuz they dont do it well.
    For now my only complaint about the elf is she not wearing pants. Wearing shorts and skirts is a forest... and climbing trees in them... it's stupid af... same with heels... it makes no sense and it's hard not to be bothered by it.

    Cheya August 12, 2024 2:27 am
    Nah I get you... authors are pretty shtty at making romance tbh... and the way they portray women in general is just... the worst. Yk, it's like... people sometimes ask why some women prefer bl than hetero roma... Nizze

    couldnt have said it better.

    Cheya August 12, 2024 2:33 am
    pirated website and this will not reach the author)As for the insecure buffoon I hope he gets mauled by rice cake. I hate characters like his the most. Makes my blood boil when they're on screen. I'm still hopi... wilson

    im so gald theres someone out there with the same opinons of mine ╥﹏╥ bc im just like u in this way esp in the isekai mangas. As soon as harem shows up its getting dropped. Like i dont have a problem if more than 1 ppl are in a relationship and everyone love everyone equally (like a poly relationship but i acc havent seen one yet in a story) but my problem is when 1. they portray the women terribly 2. add children into the harem or 3. its just a man being surounded by women. like give him some friends instead of having this nasty ass sexualized fantasy.

    Nizze August 12, 2024 2:49 am
    im so gald theres someone out there with the same opinons of mine ╥﹏╥ bc im just like u in this way esp in the isekai mangas. As soon as harem shows up its getting dropped. Like i dont have a problem if m... Cheya

    Honestly one of the few harems I kinda like is the Re:monster one... because you see reason for them to want to be together with the mc... even if he's not same species as them. There's also reason for them to accept each other and sharing... and they all are useful. Not as strong as mc, as always, but still strong enough not to be pure burden. Even the non-fighter ones have their roles and contribute to the group. Theres also females and males that are friends with mc, part of the group and not part of the harem. So I do think it's a well made one...
    So... I don't drop immediately if it's harem... but I keep an eye if it will mess things or not... and first sight of trash in the harem... I drop it.

    Cheya August 12, 2024 2:59 am
    Honestly one of the few harems I kinda like is the Re:monster one... because you see reason for them to want to be together with the mc... even if he's not same species as them. There's also reason for them to ... Nizze

    This funny ngl cause i acc completed watching the anime (if my memory serves me right) and it was nice like nobody really pissed me off and i didnt mind the harem there bc it made sense and was understandable. Tho a few scenes were eh. in the animes i tend to wait to see if it develops but in the mangas its just so unberable for me. Most if not all of em are a copy & paste of each other.

    Nizze August 13, 2024 4:27 am
    This funny ngl cause i acc completed watching the anime (if my memory serves me right) and it was nice like nobody really pissed me off and i didnt mind the harem there bc it made sense and was understandable.... Cheya

    Right? Those scenes... welp... I can overlook... at least they aint annoying and the plot is nice. I deal with it better in manga than anime... when I see those cringe things animated... it gives me too much second hand embarrassment... but the main reason I gave up on animes... is the voices. Be it in japanes or dubbed... it just... grates on my nerves? The way they speak is too exagerated and together with how high-pitched most are... I just can't.
    They do have a lot of similar ones... a lot of them... and recently I feel isekai is jus an excuse to draw the females in weirdly revealing clothes (I mean, look at that elf from failure frame, she's technically a knight but most of her chest is bare all the time and I can't even call the botom a skirt... and the goddes is almost naked all the time too.). The harem members are also very stereotypical. I think Re:monster kinda escaped this a bit cus it's actually pretty old... the comic started in 2015, which means the novel is even older...
    Honestly al jap have the same cliches, the kr and ch have theirs too... what I do is to change what I read whenever it starts getting too boring. At times it really feels like they are all the same... so I go to another genre. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Cheya August 14, 2024 7:32 am
    Right? Those scenes... welp... I can overlook... at least they aint annoying and the plot is nice. I deal with it better in manga than anime... when I see those cringe things animated... it gives me too much se... Nizze

    OMGGG ik what you mean the vocies can be so high pitched for absoulety no reason.i remember rewatcing an isekai anime i watched before that i liked but i swear it wasnt as annoying as the second time i watched it.

    "Recently I feel isekai is jus an excuse to draw the females in weirdly revealing clothes" I agree with this a lot esp with the clothing thing you said. it literally does not make sense for mages, knights heck even priests to be so exposed and have little clothing. like it really dosent make sense esp when they get hurt in a battle. LIKE NO SHIT SHERLOCK it was bound to happen when ur so exposed and dont have proper protection??? The goddess thing tooo? like youd expect a religion in another world to not be so sexualized but yet it hapenns???

    "Re:monster kinda escaped this a bit cus it's actually pretty old... the comic started in 2015," i never acc knew abt that so no wonder i enjoyed it more since its older and the others are newer...

    The problem wit me tho is that i love the genere sm bc theres gen allat potentinal (bru my spelling is going out the window lmfao) like in my head i just keep having so many high expectations. Like They could be Merchants,Tavern owners, A Baker, Brewer, Butcher, wine maker; Farmer, Fisherman, Gatherer, Animal raiser, Artist( Jester; Minstrel; Performer) and even Architects LIKE THERES SO MUCH.yet they all write the same damn story.They have the skilss that i dont to create such entertaining stuff. Like why stay in the box? why confine your self? it just dosent make any sense to me. ╥﹏╥

    Nizze August 14, 2024 1:13 pm
    OMGGG ik what you mean the vocies can be so high pitched for absoulety no reason.i remember rewatcing an isekai anime i watched before that i liked but i swear it wasnt as annoying as the second time i watched ... Cheya

    Yes! I'm also like that! I keep expecting good stories and get disappointed most of the time!

    The jp isekai I like most is the tamer ones, lots of fluff and less women. The slime tamers are the exception. Those are getting bad with time... Theres also one that the guy became a high-elf and after some tiime decided to travel the world that it's interesting too. Especially because it shows well how time is relative for someone so long lived compared to humans.

    The kr isekais are interesting cuz theres more variety in the kind of worlds they get into (I mean, except rofan, those have eerily similar worlds and settings). The worlds best engineer, Trash of the counts house and Trapped in a webnovel as a good for nothing are my favorites.

    The ch ones... those are usually isekai into an martial arts world... which well... can be interesting but have a lot.. lot.. of harem and fan service... but because of where its from... the fanservice is tamer. They have a specific genre that I like a lot that is the world-hopping, idk if it can be considered isekai because mc go to various worlds. The best example is Cheating men must die... but you get all kinds of sub-genre there, from romance and bl to no romance and focus on revenge. The downside... is that the novels are way better than the comics...

    I go between them because reading only from one of them... gets boring fast...

wilson August 10, 2024 11:00 pm

He keeps saying "I have to remain lowkey" "Let's keep it lowkey" lowkey this lowkey that but he's not even doing it right.

Just say you like attention.
Nothing's wrong with that!
Stop pretending to be something that you're not!

wilson August 8, 2024 10:48 pm

Was a bit weirded out at first because I thought this was gonna be incest with the sister going "big bro you're a perv" and "I thought you were gonna kiss me". (Totally unnecessary comment/joke)

Though she definitely mellowed down and is now a cute loveable and strong little sister who will protect her big brother.

The women here aren't that bad at all. Just ignore the lack of clothing in some areas as it is already imbedded in japanese manga culture. (or anywhere really)

The men here are few with a femboy the only one to have a consistent screen time and him being a femboy already categorizes him as one of the harem members. The only notable men aside from MC and femboy is probably Sifa's father. Saw him for a couple chapters and he disappeared. With a few panels from when the monster wave was attacking the city.

Art is amazing
Translation is crisp and fluent
Plot? it's farming isekai what's not to like? And just don't think too hard about it.
Harem? yeah it is but it's not like the other harem.
Romance? Hopefully just with Sifa please. Don't make him like his Dad.

4 out of 5 stars
Will continue reading for now

wilson August 7, 2024 11:01 pm

The plot is actually good and engaging. Aside from me disliking the harem, I actually like the MC's annoying but genuine attitude and his funny banters with his merry gang.

(I say harem because that's what I see. A harem to me would be a Main Character being surrounded by probable ships/love interests. Whether or not they show romantic interest one sidedly or mutually.)

Though right now they just seem like a bunch of friends goofing around with only one of them having common sense and I like that dynamic. I hope it stays that way with no romantic elements in the future.

wilson August 7, 2024 12:50 pm

Let me guess... She's gonna ask if "Master" is in love with Sir Isidore. I've read 2 shoujo today with that same exact cliche, 3 if this one also goes along with it.

Then she'll be awkward and say something along the line of "you gay? it is okay" "Be Who You Areeeeee For Your Prideeeeeeee" then there's gonna be a doki doki scene where he'll probably lean towards her or something and make her blush idk

    wilson August 13, 2024 11:26 pm

    looks like I was proven wrong lol

wilson July 26, 2024 8:18 pm

It's backkkkkkk!!!!!

    wilson July 26, 2024 9:18 pm

    Another reminder: Aside from the first time she thought the MC was gonna use her as a plaything, she didn't say anything like what she said in chap 65.

    It's all "creative" liberties i.e. fanservice

    here's the link to reading the novel. It's better, though their antics are fun to see in a drawn format.

    it's been sometime since I read it there and continued reading the novel in mtl because it didn't have much english translation chapters but I still remember there were no explicit fanservice but her just feeling the dread at the thought of being treated as a plaything/child-bearer? (I remember it was some word more akin to child making factory? but it was mtl so I just used that word) because of her disability but can do nothing at against this able bodied man who saved her life. And then feeling relief at not being subjected to that life after clearing up the misunderstanding, she still seems doubtful at the situation but does as she was instructed, i.e. memorized the words and act as an npc.

    idk maybe I remembered wrongly or it was my filter going full ham against the fanservice? been reading shounen for so long that it's become a life skill to ignore all that

wilson July 26, 2024 12:07 am

The romance... sighhhh I can't get away from it in action, I can't get away from it in shounen and especially not in shoujo. Romance is a default there. I get that it's human to find someone you love but the dumping of romance on every single genre where you didn't expect there to be one is frustrating.

The story, the art, and the translation is great.
I'm just hoping the romance is at the end.
I was so bummed when the woman with the churu was introduced but fortunately she was a side character but now there's confirmation on spoilers...

I'll keep on reading until the romance gets to me and by then I'll drop it. Happy reading everyone

    wilson July 26, 2024 1:03 am

    I'm gonna assume some people will think why I think romance is bad? even attack me? or maybe I'm just looking for a fight? who knows?

    Yes, the world doesn't revolve around me I know.
    I do have a life aside from just reading and ranting.
    I do have friends I care about albeit a small group, I care for them a lot.
    I do touch grass, in fact there's grass, trees and farmlands surrounding our home so I think I have plenty.
    No I don't go to parties, I prefer to read in a quiet nook.
    Yes, I am single and I prefer to be that way.
    Just because I'm single now and choose to be doesn't mean I'm an undesirable person.
    And just because I'm not in a relationship doesn't mean I'm worth less than someone who is in one.
    No, I don't want to write or draw my own work.
    Yes, I know this is an 1llegal website but can't a fellow 1llegal website user talk about their opinion instead of sucking it up? after all, this is the Topic section.
    Had my fair share of receiving comments on the internet and these are my responses. If I forgot any do let me know. Thank you kindly.
    Just a stranger sharing their opinion online.

    "Why can't MC have a happy ending?"
    "Why can't MC be with someone?"
    "Why can't MC find love?"

    It's not that I don't like MC finding love. It's the repercussions that come along after. Oftentimes when romance comes along, things go a bit haywire.

    Here are some of my examples. There are probably other people who can give a more coherent explanation but these are some I can think of at the top of my head.

    In cases of action, the plot gets pushed aside in favor of dates and blushing pink background scenes. This sometimes encompasses a whole or multiple chapters. It's basically a filler chapter and as a human, I get fillers, staff need breaks. But when it gets dragged on? to the point it actually dimishes the plot?

    In cases of shounen, they keep using the love interest as plot pushers and the way they do it is sometimes so dumb that its irritating. Moreover, some shounen (specifically harem) keep throwing women at MC left and right that it just feels so degrading like the women are accessories to brag about no matter how MC treats them. Whether it be indifference or simply "friendship". But we can read the undertones. Not to mention the male background characters' reactions are telling.

    (Action and shounen most oftentimes go hand in hand too so double trouble)

    In cases of shoujo, all those bland dorito men... sighhh I can't even say more because most of them, like the women in shounen are cookie cutter characters. Reverse harems too. So it's vice versa. This is getting too long I'll cut it short, Do better.

    Maybe it's just me being salty? As I can see the romance havers still are majority and probably always will be.

    Again have fun reading your millions of works to choose from romance havers. I am more than a bit salty that you all get to enjoy that many but that's just the norm I suppose? Gotta suck it up and filter out those fanservice as always.

    Have fun reading everyone and if you've read this far on the rant, thank you.

    vasco#1fan July 26, 2024 1:19 am
    I'm gonna assume some people will think why I think romance is bad? even attack me? or maybe I'm just looking for a fight? who knows? Yes, the world doesn't revolve around me I know. I do have a life aside from... wilson

    You wrote all of that for an imaginary fight?

    wilson July 26, 2024 2:03 am
    You wrote all of that for an imaginary fight? vasco#1fan

    Yeah can't I? Not like it's criminal or anything?

    I had fights on the internet plenty of times from a simple sentence speaking of my opinion anyway, so why not a whole essay?

    I get that some people may be pissed that they don't like what someone else likes or feels called out by a topic but it's not like I insulted your mother (whether they be deceased or not)?

    I said whether they be deceased or not because some people may answer "my (loved one) is d3ad" as a rebuttal. And if so, RIP to them. Just in case you want to ask. As for the censorship of the word d3ad, it's a preference.

    And as for your comment it seems you have something meaningful to add on to my opinion? or will you make my imaginary fight come true?

    Illumination July 26, 2024 2:05 am
    You wrote all of that for an imaginary fight? vasco#1fan

    To be that detailed, they must have had these arguments before. But I agree, romance is so pverused as plot points and pushers. I think that is why One Piece, Solo Leveling and Moonlight Journey Across Another World are so popular. Very little romance. Kill the Hero is finished and also has no romance if anyone wants to read!

    Red Demon Tea July 26, 2024 3:17 am
    To be that detailed, they must have had these arguments before. But I agree, romance is so pverused as plot points and pushers. I think that is why One Piece, Solo Leveling and Moonlight Journey Across Another ... Illumination

    Exactly in Bleach, there was literally an arc where Ichigo had to save that one orange-haired girl...in cases like that,,, it just derives the anime from the actually plot/achievement in the anime.

    Same Thing in black clover,the little elf fairy that's with Yuno, there wasn't any need for romantic relations with those two characters.

    It like when I read manga if watch anime and they aren't labeled as "romance" I kind of breathe a breathe of air, y'know. But as you continue, you'll just see tities bouncing and characters in weird and awkward situations.

    So I get what you mean a lot @wilson. Its like when you don't expect genres like action, shonen, or Adventure to have the plot based on romanic relationship, it will just be there and you're over here just living through it..

wilson July 25, 2024 11:18 pm

Whenever this updates I feel complete

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