this album is when im screaming on the inside WITH JOY MOST OF THE TIME
2698 photo16 10,2022 created
i like keeping covers from mangas etc, since its nice to remember them. some are actually so beautifully made.
639 photo21 03,2022 created
scenes when using their body or objects its so cool. i love some nice action.
1193 photo13 05,2021 created
when theyre basically utter weirdos or i dont understand what theyre doing.
871 photo22 03,2022 created
a lot of blood may be guts i just keep forgetting to add stuff on here
actually on a lot of them
124 photoactually on a lot of them
24 09,2020 created
i sob my chest hurts it crumbles a lot. just scenes where i want to cry so bad or i do end up crying.
morally i just end up feeling very bad for the character.
502 photomorally i just end up feeling very bad for the character.
29 09,2020 created
I’ve seen a lion do that exact same injury on a man. The guy was teasing it through a gate.
15 07,2024