Yahwi stans how yall feeling rn?

Loved it. Lol at first I was worried when Cain kabedon’d jooin but then yahwi showed up with cake to claim his sweetheart and “disinfected” that bite Cain left him by giving him an even bigger bite and jooin looked shookethed. LIVINGGGGGGGGG loved it! Urgh gonna have to wait so long to see these on this site. Why? what did u think?

in all honesty, its only "gross" (more dangerous than gross, honestly) if they're a minor. There are young adults around 18-19 years old who like older men and it shouldn't be deemed as gross if they're both consenting to a relationship with an age gap, and they're both happy (and over 18) This doesn't apply to the MC's relationship though, because he's still in high school and the older man pretty much admitted to being a pedophile

imma be real w you, i think even 18-19 is pushing it. at 18, most people are still hs students that havent fully developed nor experienced life. obviously that cant be said for everyone, i myself was forced to grow up at a very young age, but now that im a little older i understand that people that age are still pretty much kids and can still be groomed/manipulated. i was 17-18 when i first started dating older men(45+ yo) and when i look back on it, it was a stupid and sad thing. altho i wa sthenone who told those men i was legal, i still find it gross that they’d willing date someone who’s obviously so much younger than them, someone who was even obviously younger than their own kids. i do take some responsibility bc i was the one who went out looking for older men, but i still think its disgusting that so many older men completely disregard and see no problem with huge age gaps. but this is just my own opinion. i cant say i dont judge others for being in the same kind of relationship i was, but i usually mind my business and just hope that they stay safe and are with someone that will genuinely cherish them.