To the New Readers, This Manhwa is a Martial Arts, action packed, revenge story. The story is really good. These comments may make it seem like it's something else but please give it a try..

Also my fellow demon lord simps... I get you but calm down... The thirst in this comment section is too much. You're scaring the kids away

Did she use that veil to try and hide her forehead because it's so tiny it ain't hiding her face.

I just found this manhwa today and was disappointed there were no more chapters and it hasn't updated in 2 months. So I found the novel and started reading it.. and now there's an update .. wow. So freaky. (⊙…⊙ )

But I'm glad it updated. I want to see the Leroy family suffer in 2D (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸