's experience ( All 0 )

    's answer ( All 51 )

about question
i love and hate that email addresses here aren't checked and so half the user base is a festering cesspit of bots or throwaways stretching off the ratings, but the true user base is the same set of people waking up to open the website like it's groundhog day. same people who once liked a post and despite having clicked on mute enough to have a musc......   1 reply
10 days
about question
i cannot be finding out about the US presidential election results through a shitpost on mangago   reply
17 days
about question
12 pages or more! Hmm you might want to ease into novellas The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas by Ursula K Leguin - 32 (utopian fantasy fiction on what you are willing to tolerate for comfort and peace, and at what expense) The Death Of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy - 53 pages (a man of considerable reputation is dying. he contemplates his life, or th......   1 reply
25 days
about question
your brand of humor is very familiar are you a rescusiated user   1 reply
30 09,2024
about question
this man   1 reply
29 09,2024

    's question ( All 0 )