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snakeheadxx created a topic of Star Struck

The problem I have with yujaes reaction is it was a little harsh. To yujae, it's a bump in the road and he probably thought they could just hang out the next day, but he didnt realise how devastated or embarrassed hanjun would be. I guess he didnt realise how serious hanjun was about liking him. I hope hes ok and didnt run away or something. His reaction to his confession was sad for us and hanjun, but it wasnt disgusted or anything. So far hes straight and his longtime friend just told him he actually likes him. I dont think being shocked and wanting to stay friends makes him an asshole like some comments are saying. But i guess he felt blindsided but i do wish he was a little more considerate of hanjun and took what he was saying seriously

And about yujae yelling, I think he was honestly was just mad at hanjun for the same reason hanjun was mad at him before, basically hiding new life developments out of consideration for the other persons feelings. It makes sense yujae would feel hurt because that was the same reason hanjun blew up st him before.

He was wrong for yelling but I can understand why he would be angry and confused that his struggling friend bought him an expensive gift when he doesnt even eat properly and was kicked out of his house. Hes concerned and didnt understand why he would do that.

I do think he can be an asshole to others, like hanjuns friend who had a crush on chaeyoung, and has a dark streak but so far I dont think he has been an asshole to hanjun. I think hes always been a good friend to him tbh. I really hope hanjun doesnt feel like he has to run away because he doesnt have the same feelings yet. And so far, it doesnt look like yujae would mind being friends with him even if he has a crush looking at how he tried to meet up the next day. Unless he really didnt take it seriously