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snakeheadxx created a topic of Finding Camellia

I was really excited during the war cause I thought camellia would begin planning to find her mother or go off on her journey or something. Plus she was dealing with a lot of gender identity issues, that even Kieran mentioned, so I thought we would have a good soul searching moment where she finds balance or chooses how she wants to live. Of course she was stopped by the step mother but I thought she would definitely have her chance later. instead, the whole thing about her wanting to become stronger and not need to rely on others so she can go find her mother became obsolete.

Im really disappointed cause i thought it was a great love story that also has a in-depth, complex main character but now it just feels rushed and solely about romance despite it looking like the story was building up towards a major character development for her. My hope was over the minute she said she would live for claudes happiness instead of her own.

Usually I would find that bittersweet, but thinking about the whole story it kind of seemed like the author was saying 'lol fuk ur mom and fuk ur internal conflict time for romance'. I mean, I did want romance too !! But like.. not at the expense of the other plot elements being tossed out. Plus, despite there being so many great romantic moments with claude something just seems so rushed about everything but i cant put my finger on it.

Like camellia, the girl who was forced to give up her identity is going to live for someone else? Idk idk I'm happy shes happy with claude but it's so underwhelming and disappointing. I feel like I would be a million times happier with their relationship and how cute it is if they didnt butcher her own motivations.