him beating his meat to jinhwan felt so out of place especially with his current feelings towards him. I think I jinxed myself cause a few chapters before that one I was like 'ahh shit he turned 20 I just know they're gonna add sexual scenes between the two of them regardless of how sooyoung still dislikes/fears him or how despicable jinhwan still is' and well SO IT BEGINS
Also I knew jinhwan was fucked up but im surprised his character is the type that rationalizes everything bad he does. I first thought he'd be the type who's aware he's doing bad shit but doesn't care cause he'll do anything to get what he wants. So this is stressing me cause if he doesn't acknowledge his behavior and thinks he's justified , can he ever change? Cause if he's stays this way I do NOT want this mf near sooyoung bby get behind me
Unrelated but I hope taehee and him can stay friends it's sucks the one person who stuck with him was gone so early.