Distributing illegal translations of contents and works are wrong, but leaking private information and promoting harassment is equally wrong. As a consumer of the said illegal translations of the work, I may be called a hypocrite, but I will not stand for someone who will continually promote hate and deration of someone else.
Uploader-nim I hope after this you will be okay and move on, I'm not sure about others but please know that I will wish for your mental health.
(No hate towards the people who are named Spencer. I'm only thrown off because I would never call my child 'Spencer', and I feel like it's cuz I live in the Philippines or something. )
But anyways placing my opinions here, the series is not bad lol. I was surprised cus I thought Kieth would be the typical asshole or something but no in reality he's just an ignorant person who's inconsiderate of peoples feelings and can't properly express himself.
And last the last set of chapters were... well quite rushed... Especially after Kieth kidnapped Yeonwoo, like... seriously? An accident? a fire? a cult?? Almost resulting into their deaths??? It felt so funny because the drama literally came out of nowhere. Honestly, it would have been fine if they used the pneumonia context to Yeonwoo resulting to him almost dying with the baby and we'd get a whole different emotions unlike that mess we had earlier kskjdksjds.
these people hating on moa are crazy. I understand her completely, like shes so humane throughout. Like i hate str8 people in manhuas more than ever but Moa's character is complex, consistent, and relatable (in some way) like she has issues but shes trying to solve them by taking it out on yura and yujin which was unhealthy, yeah, but honestly, thats just being human. She fucked up at the most amazing opportunities and people may call her stupid for but at least she tries to make it better on her own way like at least shes not a useless damsel in distress, she has grit and dedication. LIKE SHE'S MY GIRL and i dont give a damn about what ppl say. This is her fantasy, yura and yujin are her fantasy, and i want her to be happy as much as i want the brothers to be happy as well.