Mimi January 8, 2018 3:43 am

So many people dislike hyung and subin together, but I'm loving it! I've liked both characters from the start and I think they deserve each other. Their relationship feels more realistic to me than a lot of other shounen ai/ yaoi. So often the MC gets their crush and it's lovely wish fulfillment but not the way most of us end up. In my experience, its the random guy you met on tinder one night and just hit it off with that makes you forget all about that old guy you had a crush on but who never gave you the time of day. I like that neither of them is perfect but that if they choose to respect each others needs and care about each other properly their love will grow. I'm so happy that they have finally gotten to this point. I'm probably going to go reread the whole thing ( T﹏T )/ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Leinarina January 8, 2018 5:05 am

    Gurl, i tot most of us ship Hyung with Subin.... like if you read most of comments here from the previous chapters most are on #teamHyung lol

    Purupuru January 8, 2018 5:25 am

    Yes girl ur right.. I'm so happy this ship sailed yay

    tsukki January 8, 2018 5:47 am

    yeeees, say it louder!!! i really like it, i feel like this should get a slice of life tag just for the fact that some of the feelings of characters are very accurate to real life. And every character is flawed and that's what make them easier to relate to (I like defending subin because I see myself in him the most here). Love doesn't have to always be perfect from the beginning, what matters is the ending. <3

    Mimi January 8, 2018 6:57 am
    yeeees, say it louder!!! i really like it, i feel like this should get a slice of life tag just for the fact that some of the feelings of characters are very accurate to real life. And every character is flawed... tsukki

    yep. subin is my favorite for that same reason!

    youraedthiswrogn January 8, 2018 9:11 am

    I don't think anyone is necessarily AGAINST HyungXSubin, it's more of that we want everyone to be happy and if Subin isn't going to be able to move on from Hyunwoo then we'd rather they get together asap to spare everyone the pain. It LOOKS like Hyung might be endgame, but you have to keep in mind that Subin's relationship has spanned YEARS with Subin actively trying to make things progress to the next step and now even Hyunwoo, Subin's crush for YEARS who he'd been sure was straight is actively trying to progress their relationship too. It looks nice now, but i can't help but think that the way Subin is treating Hyung right now is only due to his fear of rejection and abandonment that he feels towards Hyunwoo, he's looking for a rock, something that won't leave or change in his life because he's too scared to allow things to work with Hyunwoo. Hyung is the easy way out.

    youraedthiswrogn January 8, 2018 9:12 am
    I don't think anyone is necessarily AGAINST HyungXSubin, it's more of that we want everyone to be happy and if Subin isn't going to be able to move on from Hyunwoo then we'd rather they get together asap to spa... youraedthiswrogn

    Subin's relationship with Hyunwoo*

    tsukki January 8, 2018 10:35 am
    I don't think anyone is necessarily AGAINST HyungXSubin, it's more of that we want everyone to be happy and if Subin isn't going to be able to move on from Hyunwoo then we'd rather they get together asap to spa... youraedthiswrogn

    only hyunwoo isn't really actively pursuing subin, is he? all we get was that realization from him that maybe, yes, he might like subin too (probably romantically, he still isn't sure that's why dongjun gave him the talk) and that he kissed subin (which he denied and wanted to hide from yuna). I get that he sort of backed off since he knows subin had a boyfriend but they broke up right? if he was serious he should've started to 'actively progress the relationship' but he didn't. And that was what sucked for subin because he saw that Hyunwoo wasn't really at all miserable without him (he was being bitter about it when he saw him in that cafe), in contrast, hyung was begging for him to come back desperately. if i was subin (who craved affection for the longest time), the answer on who to choose wouldn't be that hard. What is so wrong with choosing the easy way out? If that path is the one that have a higher chance to make me happy and finally be in a stable relationship, why the hell would anyone still choose to be miserable? Subin is done being a martyr for hyunwoo and its damn good for him.

    youraedthiswrogn January 13, 2018 8:45 pm
    only hyunwoo isn't really actively pursuing subin, is he? all we get was that realization from him that maybe, yes, he might like subin too (probably romantically, he still isn't sure that's why dongjun gave hi... tsukki

    To be clear, i didn't say that Hyung is the wrong choice, i said that Hyung is the EASY choice and i wasn't making choosing Hyung out to be a bad choice either. Also, why do you assume choosing Hyunwoo would make him unhappy at this point? Hyunwoo is done with all his bullshit, he is owning his mistakes and has told Subin he wants him. He even owned up to the drunken sex night just now, he could've hid that forever. Hyunwoo is ready now to be loving, but Subin is too scared to give it a shot. It's fine with me whomever he ends up with, but if he's still into Hyunwoo he could hurt Hyung. I hear it's a happy HyungXSubin ending though so... As far as Hyunwoo pursuing Subin, that started not long ago with Hyunwoo saying TO Subin that he wants him and talking to a few people about how he won't give up. The instance where he kissed Subin, he wasn't to the point of accepting his feelings for Subin, that just happened recently. That's like saying "oh, well why didn't he date him after the night they had sex if he liked him?", it's because up until recently he had been in denial to the point that he was using Noona to convince himself he is straight.

    Mimi January 13, 2018 10:52 pm
    To be clear, i didn't say that Hyung is the wrong choice, i said that Hyung is the EASY choice and i wasn't making choosing Hyung out to be a bad choice either. Also, why do you assume choosing Hyunwoo would ma... youraedthiswrogn

    I see what your saying, but to me it doesn't really seem like Subin has feelings for Hyunwoo at all anymore. The last few times Subin ran across him all he thought was that he was upset Hyunwoo was doing well without him, not that he missed him or still loved him. If Subin was just too scared to give Hyunwoo a shot wouldn't the author have shown us that? To me it seems more like a persons relationship with their ex who hurt them really badly. Sure Subin once had strong feelings for Hyunwoo and maybe Hyunwoo has some feelings for him too but that doesn't mean that Subin will want to be together with him after all of the hurt. Also Subin and Hyunwoo have barely spent any time together since the start of the manga (whereas he's spent all of his time with Hyung cause they lived together) and that before the start of the manga Subin literally hadn't seen or heard from Hyunwoo for two years. Hyunwoo's feelings for Subin are just too little too late. Subin is choosing to be with Hyung because he's the better choice not because he's easier. I think one thing everyone on here can agree with is that Subin would have to be crazy to pick Hyunwoo over Hyung. Subin has moved on already and it seems like Hyunwoo is doing so on his own terms to.

    youraedthiswrogn January 14, 2018 12:24 am
    I see what your saying, but to me it doesn't really seem like Subin has feelings for Hyunwoo at all anymore. The last few times Subin ran across him all he thought was that he was upset Hyunwoo was doing well w... Mimi

    You're right, that's why i'm not saying Subin DOES still love him, i'm saying he might. Their recent interactions can be taken both ways, he could be losing interest or he could be bitching out. You say that him being irritated that Hyunwoo is okay without him doesn't mean he still loves him. I agree. What I'M saying is that it COULD mean he still loves him just as much as it could mean he's getting over him. I don't see one viewpoint as more likely than the other. It seemed out of place when Subin said "what can i do to make you stay with me" to Hyung after JUST having acknowledged that Hyung is hung up on him. It felt like he was talking to Hyunwoo. Also, i don't feel like Hyunwoo is as much of a villain as other people make him out to be, which is why i'd still be okay seeing a HyunwooXSubin pairing. People just look at Hyunwoo's actions without considering the context of those actions. He was a bisexual/gay guy in denial resisting his feelings for the gay man actively pursuing him. Subin got REALLY pushy at times, he got himself drunk and THREW himself at Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo momentarily gave in to his growing feelings and had sex with Subin, but this shook him REALLY hard so he tried to pretend nothing happened. Hyunwoo only acted harshly in the moments where Subin threw caution to the wind and threw himself at Hyunwoo, like when Subin got drunk and kissed him, then got punched. Subin's been hitting the wall of denial with a sledgehammer and then pulled away when it came down.

Mimi November 29, 2017 6:08 am

I can feel a happy ending on the way! Both realize they need to do better for the other! There's hope!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
and Hyunwoo can go fuck himself... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Mimi November 21, 2017 3:16 am

I still like Subin and I don't think the issues with Hyung are entirely his fault. Hyung is jealous of his feelings for Hyunwoo and he has a right to be, but if anyone has ever been in a relationship with someone who is jealous all the time it is actually really difficult. Hyung says he loves Subin but I'm not sure he's ever said what he loves about him, maybe what he loved the most was the feeling of stealing Subin away. I don't think Hyung's love is as pure as everyone thinks it is. At times he seems kinda judgmental and controlling. If you can't fall asleep in your own apartment without your boyfriend freaking out and calling you 8 times it's a problem (even if your ex-crush still lives there). He said he was "worried" but Subin did txt him to say he got home safely. So he wasn't actually worried about Subin, he was just worried about being cheated on. Considering nothing has ever happened between Subin and Hyunwoo, I think it's excessive to be this mistrustful of someone you claim to love. You can't live with someone who doesn't trust you, that's why Subin feels so suffocated and why he's starting to pull away. Anyway, I do like Hyung a lot but he's not this perfect baby who's heart is being trampled on by a cruel user.

    Queenbanana November 21, 2017 3:30 am

    No he's not perfect but Subin is the one mostly at fault. Hyung can't trust him because Subin doesn't give him any reason to. He keeps feeding on to Hyungs insecurities and doesn't even realize it. Or more like, he realizes it but doesn't give a f***. Subin is just so self centered selfish and high maintenance. How many times must the guy tell you he loves you when you haven't even said you like him? Jesus. Hyung 's biggest fault is keeping Subin around this long. Throw that annoying ass out already

    Mimi November 21, 2017 4:04 am
    No he's not perfect but Subin is the one mostly at fault. Hyung can't trust him because Subin doesn't give him any reason to. He keeps feeding on to Hyungs insecurities and doesn't even realize it. Or more like... Queenbanana

    lol. Ether way they're screwed. They're both needy and want the other to love them more than they do. I think part of the reason Subin kept asking Hyung to say he loved him and why he was so upset the day that he didn't was because he could tell that Hyung isn't actually in love with him. And the reason Hyung keeps trying to control Subin is because he can tell Subin isn't really in love with him either. I don't think Subin 'doesn't give a fuck' I think he gives a lot of fucks but you can't change your feelings that easily. Hyung is also pretty self centered. When your boyfriend says "I'm sick and I passed out yesterday" should your first reaction be to accuse them of cheating or to find out if they're okay?

    youraedthiswrogn November 21, 2017 8:18 am

    Lol. What? Hyung isn't the problem here, neither is his jealousy, Subin is clearly the root of their problems. In the 1st place, Hyung is only jealous because of the insane stunts Subin pulls all the time anyways. It's not just "him falling asleep in his own apartment", it's him going to sleep in the apartment that his crush lives in and ignoring all of his boyfriend's texts... You make it sound like a bad thing that he had missed calls when he woke up, but this isn't the 1st time Subin has given Hyung reason to worry about Hyunwoo. Subin is literally 100% to blame for their relationship failing, it's not the scenario you're imagining it is in your head, Subin isn't all innocently hanging out with his best bud at their apartment, Hyung and Subin both know Subin isn't over Hyunwoo and Hyung is desperately trying to keep Subin from slipping right through his fingers and into Hyunwoo's hands. This manifests as jealousy, when in reality it's a very real concern, Hyung is literally watching his crush lose interest in him and be pulled towards an old flame right in front of him.Did you miss all the undertones? How is Hyung to blame when it's Subin making him jealous with his crazy antics?

    Ishi November 21, 2017 9:31 am

    @MiMi : i guess you were never in a relationship, hyung's feeling is completely normal. In their case , they are living together and been having sex.. so they're basically boyfriend since the whole confession thing.. so any normal person in a real relationship would do the same (especially if you received no call/texts whatsoever) and the fact that hyung knows about Subin's feeling towards Hyunwoo, he has all the right to feel the way he did..he's not being controlling, its called "in a relationship".. you should worry if your live-in partner wont just care if you do the same thing, coz not caring=not loving

    Queenbanana November 21, 2017 6:52 pm
    @MiMi : i guess you were never in a relationship, hyung's feeling is completely normal. In their case , they are living together and been having sex.. so they're basically boyfriend since the whole confession t... @Ishi

    LOL. Why do you people always go and insult others when your opinions don't match? "I guess you were never in a relationship". What does that matter? We are looking at things from an objective point of view and yes it's clear Subin is at fault here but @Mimi is right in saying Hyung isn't completely faultless. He likes Subin, a lot, and Subin openly pining for someone else is destroying poor Hyung. Their relationship isn't a good one. The age difference plays a huge factor here because of the gap in maturity. Yeah Hyung may come off as a little obsessive but what else can he do when his boyfriend keeps going after the other guy? Sit on his ass waiting for Subin to come to him when he needs him? He actually did that for a while when he didn't feel that strongly for Subin but now it's all gone to shit..

    youraedthiswrogn November 21, 2017 10:24 pm
    LOL. Why do you people always go and insult others when your opinions don't match? "I guess you were never in a relationship". What does that matter? We are looking at things from an objective point of view and... Queenbanana

    No, they aren't right. You can't blame Hyung for any of his actions when Subin is behind them all... That's like saying bread is still toast before you put it in the toaster, you aren't acknowledging that the toaster toasted the bread.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:20 pm
    Lol. What? Hyung isn't the problem here, neither is his jealousy, Subin is clearly the root of their problems. In the 1st place, Hyung is only jealous because of the insane stunts Subin pulls all the time anyw... youraedthiswrogn

    Subin was planning on moving out and went to the apartment to grab some stuff to do so. So you should be congratulating him for that and yet even down below you're complaining he didn't do it for the 'right' reasons. So, I don't know about you but I REALLY don't think Subin is the one who needs to make up his mind. Just sayin'.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:28 pm
    Subin was planning on moving out and went to the apartment to grab some stuff to do so. So you should be congratulating him for that and yet even down below you're complaining he didn't do it for the 'right' re... @Anonymous

    Moving out of the apartment he shared with Kang is what the whole monologue to himself was about, after all. How DID you MISS that????

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:32 pm
    Lol. What? Hyung isn't the problem here, neither is his jealousy, Subin is clearly the root of their problems. In the 1st place, Hyung is only jealous because of the insane stunts Subin pulls all the time anyw... youraedthiswrogn

    Did you miss reading this part of their comment: When your boyfriend says "I'm sick and I passed out yesterday" should your first reaction be to accuse them of cheating or to find out if they're okay?

    I don't freaking CARE how untrustworthy someone is, you do NOT dismiss them when they talk about how ILL they were. They are two *freaking separate matters*.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:36 pm
    @MiMi : i guess you were never in a relationship, hyung's feeling is completely normal. In their case , they are living together and been having sex.. so they're basically boyfriend since the whole confession t... @Ishi

    And yet Subin's similar feelings towards Hyunwoo are somehow an aberration. And he is somehow the one in the wrong, EVERY TIME. All I'm saying is that people judge Subin with one standard and Kang with another, yet the ones who DON'T do that are apparently the ones in the wrong. REALLY weird.

    Anonymous November 21, 2017 11:51 pm
    Moving out of the apartment he shared with Kang is what the whole monologue to himself was about, after all. How DID you MISS that???? @Anonymous

    What I mean by moving out, was deciding to no longer leech off of him. Yet somehow that is wrong, too. And the fact that he decided to move out the apartment he shared with Hyunwoo is wrong, too, because he didn't do it for the RIGHT reasons. WOW.

    Anonymous November 22, 2017 12:15 am
    Subin was planning on moving out and went to the apartment to grab some stuff to do so. So you should be congratulating him for that and yet even down below you're complaining he didn't do it for the 'right' re... @Anonymous

    to grab some stuff to *presumably* do so...* My apologies for THAT, yes, but that's about it....

    agender.hardyaoilover November 22, 2017 12:23 am
    lol. Ether way they're screwed. They're both needy and want the other to love them more than they do. I think part of the reason Subin kept asking Hyung to say he loved him and why he was so upset the day that ... Mimi

    you are right fam Goddess bless you!

    youraedthiswrogn November 22, 2017 8:35 am
    Did you miss reading this part of their comment: When your boyfriend says "I'm sick and I passed out yesterday" should your first reaction be to accuse them of cheating or to find out if they're okay? I don't f... @Anonymous

    I see what you're saying, but if he's come back and looks fine then why would he be particularly worried. Also, i'll have to read back, but did Hyung KNOW that Subin was sick during the scene? I thought Subin just said something about it in his head...

Mimi October 27, 2017 4:07 am

Hey guys, ive been noticing a lot of people in the comments arguing this issue so i figured i would put my two cents in.
you can give consent initially and then revoke it at anytime. After you say stop anything that happens afterward is without your consent and is legally considered rape. this is no longer an issue in consensual bdsm relationships however as saying no or stop may not always mean a desire to actually stop sex. thats why they have previously arranged safe words. but in a bdsm relationship if you say the safe word but then sex continues it would be considered rape.

with that being said, rape themes are pervasive in yaoi as a genre and in this context it can be seen as acceptable because we the reader know that when they uke is saying stop they don't actually want to. I think i read once that its added because of a female desire to loose control during sex. one of the things that makes it difficult for many women to orgasm is because of their inability to relax into the situation. the rape in yaoi is most often away of getting the uke who is also unable to relax into pleasure to accept it and climax. Also has to do with our cavewoman brain, we like a strong male specimen able to "have his way way with us".

anyway sorry for the long post but i wanted to make it clear that it's okay to ship a fantasy couple even with elements of rape in the story and still denounce rape culture in real life. Nobody should have to feel guilty for enjoying the story, just make sure to support the real women and men that are victims of assault.

if anyone has any questions or wants to debate the issue with me feel free to message me.

    taehyungismydaddy October 27, 2017 3:59 pm

    it may trigger some peeps out there but for me its kinda uh, hawt as fack. hell yeah

Mimi October 24, 2017 4:44 am

I feel like people have forgotten that Hyung pursued Subin knowing that he was 100% in love with Hyunwoo. Subin never lied to him about his feelings. Just because Hyung loves him doesn't mean that Subin has to love him back right away. That's not how love actually works. These things take time. Subin and Hyung haven't been going out that long. It's clear that Subin is prioritizing their relationship and trying to get over Hyunwoo but its not actually possible to just wake up one morning and no longer have any feelings at all for the person you were in love with for years even if you've got a new relationship. Especially if you're still running into them all the time (even worse when they're with the girl they always choose over you ╥﹏╥ that just sucks). Subin was very clear that he's trying to make their relationship work. He told Hyunwoo point blank that he's dating Hyung and wouldn't start anything with him. He moved out of their apartment, changed jobs, and has been ignoring his phone calls. I think that's a fairly good attempt at moving onヽ(`Д´)ノ!

Now that I've gotten that out of the way. Hyunwoo is trash ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍, Subin and Hyung forever (๑•ㅂ•)و✧!

    tsukki October 24, 2017 7:33 am

    SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!!!!! Honestly though!! THIS!!! I don't know why others can't understand that subin couldn't just profess his undying love for kangjun because the guy is still in love with hyunwoo. But he is trying. That's whats important. i'd be mad if he isn't but my child is legit trying to get over hyunwoo and transfer his love to kangjun (especially now that he knows he is taking him seriously).

Mimi September 21, 2017 3:41 am

Right now I'm just really confused. I feel like I have no idea where the story is going to go. I cant really understand what Kyon is thinking at all which is weird since he's the main character and everything has been from his perspective so far. Why is he sick? Is he faking it? Why did he try to kill himself? How come no one is talking about his suicide attempt anymore? How much time has passed since the attack? Why won't Kyon just tell Lucaon what's going on? Is Lucaon really just going to give up on making the cure? How did Lucaon go from being a dick to Kyon to being willing to do anything for him so quickly? Why was Kyon sent there as a sleeper agent? Why is Ryan more focused on being mean to Kyon than trying to find out who sent him and what exactly he has been brainwashed to do?

The art in this story is beautiful and the romance in this chapter was so nice to see after so much difficulty in their relationship, but wtf I don't get what's going on.

    LoveBunny September 21, 2017 3:48 am

    U read my mind completely..i asked myself all those questions and im confused as hell..

    iamb September 21, 2017 4:33 am

    my feelings exactly

Mimi September 13, 2017 12:45 am

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Kyon trying to kill himself was a little weird. It was clear that he was upset about being forced out but it seemed like he was willing to go along with it for the time being until they could figure out what was going on with him. Also the way he does it seems a little unusual. Slashing your throat in front of your house isn't a very common method for suicide. Maybe its the way the scene was written or maybe I'm just confused but it just seems pretty fishy to me. His brain-washers told him to stay with Lucaon so maybe they forced him to do that if he ever tried to leave. Idk.

    Justanothercomment September 13, 2017 1:16 am

    Idk but in the begging of the story ( first pages) is kyon dying ( trying to kill himself ) so everything up till now seems to be a flashback and now we are back to the present I'm confused too

    Enna Mae September 13, 2017 1:35 am

    No, I believe Kyon was a few meters away from the mansion. He didn't have anywhere to go, so its not like he can just go home and then kill himself. He probably thought that if he killed himself far enough from the mansion, he'd be dead by the time someone finds him but then that someone can give him a proper burial instead of dying on the streets where he'd likely get thrown around lol.

    Also, I think Kyon is legit mentally unstable right now. I think he remembered, a little, that he was sent to Lucaon's mansion on purpose by an enemy that Lucaon is after. Then Ryan and the new girl, Cecile was it?, are telling him he has to leave. He's torn between leaving the mansion to protect Lucaon or staying because he really loves Lucaon. It added to his problems when Lucaon told him to stay.

Mimi August 13, 2017 4:14 am

I really liked this story. The main couple was pretty cute. It's just missing the ending for dunno and for aerak. We saw dunno and Kang kiss but not really what happened with them after that. As for aerak, I would have really enjoyed a scene with him telling ueeno the truth about their past. It seems like its a big trust issue between them and it bothers me! But I'll just deal with it. I guess I'm this upset because I was too invested in the story so that goes to show how good it is. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Mimi March 20, 2017 7:01 am

Wow I cant believe we are coming to the end! I was so excited to see that we've made it to the return of the colored pages but I am not prepared for it to end at all. I cant wait to know how it all works out but I don't want to lose the apprehensive, thrilling, edge of my seat feeling I get whenever there's a new chapter out ╥﹏╥.

I still really like both Law and Jesse and am totally not ready to let these characters go. I also still ship them together, which is maybe a bit of a controversial opinion here, but I can't help it. I think they're perfect for each other ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Only someone as crazy as Law would have been able to deal with young Jesse's moods and demands and worm his way into his heart so well, and I think that being with Law taught Jesse a lot about what it means to care about another person and not just to see them as tools or potential threats.

I think I've got a 50/50 chance that they'll work something out and still be kinda together in the end but they could definitely both just wind up dead. There's been a lot of foreshadowing about dying for each other that I really do not want to be as significant as I know it probably is (but damn a girl can hope can't she( ̄∇ ̄")).

    Hani March 20, 2017 11:03 am

    Jesse wasnt that bad but law is full on crazy. Law needs to get his shit together or something cuz he wants to completely control jesse and law has a inferior complex

    Mimi March 21, 2017 3:43 am
    Jesse wasnt that bad but law is full on crazy. Law needs to get his shit together or something cuz he wants to completely control jesse and law has a inferior complex Hani

    Yep, I agree. Law has totally lost it. As an aspiring psychiatrist, I've always been partial to crazy characters. I just think they're a lot more interestingヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ . Plus, Law did have a pretty rough childhood and I'd rather see him figure out a way to deal with his insecurities and need to feel in control rather than see his story end with him just being a villain. He's pretty complex, so I'd prefer to see some character growth and a happy-ish ending (but 2 chapters might not be enough to accomplish that in so I'm afraid I'll be a disappointed in that respect) ( ̄へ ̄).

    Andrew444 March 21, 2017 5:50 am
    Yep, I agree. Law has totally lost it. As an aspiring psychiatrist, I've always been partial to crazy characters. I just think they're a lot more interestingヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ . Plus, Law did have a pretty r... Mimi

    2 chapters ???!!

    Mimi March 22, 2017 6:29 am
    2 chapters ???!! Andrew444

    It seems to be so, I've seen a few comments on here that it ends at chapter 52. ┗( T﹏T )┛However, I'd be very happy if that were not true. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Mimi February 21, 2017 5:08 am

This chapter made me so anxious but I couldn't stop reading. Part of me ships Sangwoo and Bum, but most of me is way too disturbed by the serial killing and abuse. This is definitely not going to end well for either of them... but I guess they both sort of deserve it. This story just makes me feel very confused and kinda guilty for sometimes thinking Sangwoo is sexy ( ̄∇ ̄"). I'm addicted to it but I feel like I'd have been better off if I never read it ╥﹏╥.

    Yaoiking February 21, 2017 5:13 am

    Girrrlll I totally agree with you, is chapter 18 good I haven't read it yet I don't want to sens last chapter scared the shit out of me so should I read it or not, plz help!. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

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