Mimi December 6, 2018 3:22 pm

Although I never wanted Seunghee to get together with him (he's too old). I was rooting for it to be a misunderstanding. It would have been nice for Seunghee to have a positive "it gets better" role model and confidante.
Also, as for the pedophilia argument, in my books it definitely is. For all the Americans out there, sending dick picks to minors will get you arrested. Grown men who prey on lonely vulnerable teenagers (regardless of how lonely they themselves are) are doing a terrible thing. Even if they act nice while grooming them.
Honestly, I think the boss is also in a legal/ moral predicament he shouldn't be allowing his friend to keep up this behavior. Asking the kids to stay away from him is not enough. He should take that password to the police. If not, get his friend some psychiatric help fast, before someone else calls the cops on him.

    youraedthiswrogn December 6, 2018 3:52 pm

    Okay, but factually it's not pedophilia. It's ephebophilia. Pedophilia is classified as a mental disorder. Pedophiles can't help what they do, they'll keep doing it. Ephebophilia is just a sexual preference, it can be changed. The blond doesn't show a lack of control, he rejects Seunghee's offer to spend time together because he sympathizes with him and wants him to make friends. He isn't sick, his emotional ties can overcome his sexual preference.

    Mimi December 6, 2018 4:25 pm
    Okay, but factually it's not pedophilia. It's ephebophilia. Pedophilia is classified as a mental disorder. Pedophiles can't help what they do, they'll keep doing it. Ephebophilia is just a sexual preference, it... youraedthiswrogn

    So how do you explain the dick pic to Seungtaek when he was in middle school. That's sexual harassment. Seungtaek didn't ask for or enjoy seeing that as a response to his request for advice. That seems like a lack of control to me. Honestly, I thought their relationship was wrong before but not this bad, mostly because I had forgotten about other key scenes, like him trying to hook up with Seungtaak in a case of mistaken identity. Clearly the author also thinks its wrong. Regardless, of the legal distinctions between pedophilia and ephebophilia both are generally seen as socially unacceptable. I don't know where this idea that one relationship with one minor is enough to change this guy's preferences forever is coming from. Also, pedophiles can refrain from acting on their thoughts (they'd probably need help though, cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse-prevention therapy etc.).

    youraedthiswrogn December 6, 2018 5:02 pm
    So how do you explain the dick pic to Seungtaek when he was in middle school. That's sexual harassment. Seungtaek didn't ask for or enjoy seeing that as a response to his request for advice. That seems like a l... Mimi

    "that's sexual harassment", you explained it yourself.

    Mimi December 6, 2018 7:52 pm

    Yes, and sexual harassment is an action not a preference. Someone who engages in it is someone lacking in common sense and self control. My original point.

    youraedthiswrogn December 6, 2018 10:06 pm
    Yes, and sexual harassment is an action not a preference. Someone who engages in it is someone lacking in common sense and self control. My original point. Mimi

    You either aren't reading what i'm saying or just responding however you want regardless. I said ephebophilia is a preference, as in his attraction to minors. You had asked "how do you explain the dick pic to Seungtaek in middle school" after i had pointed out that he isn't a pedophile and what he's doing isn't pedophilia, this implies that you're saying him sending that dick pic was pedophilia. To this i answered "you explained it yourself" as you had just said "that's sexual harassment". Him sending the dick pic was sexual harassment, not pedophilia. I also wouldn't say that sending nudes is indicative of a lack of self control, people do all the time, they were just unwanted in this instance.

    blackskied December 7, 2018 1:03 am
    Okay, but factually it's not pedophilia. It's ephebophilia. Pedophilia is classified as a mental disorder. Pedophiles can't help what they do, they'll keep doing it. Ephebophilia is just a sexual preference, it... youraedthiswrogn

    Then isn't he both a pedo and ephebo? He did send a dicpic to a middle school student.

    blackskied December 7, 2018 1:07 am
    You either aren't reading what i'm saying or just responding however you want regardless. I said ephebophilia is a preference, as in his attraction to minors. You had asked "how do you explain the dick pic to S... youraedthiswrogn

    A pedo is someone who has sexual interest to children 13 years or younger. Didn't he send a dick pic because he was sexually attracted to that middle school student? Why else would he send a dick pic if he isn't sexually attracted to the middle school student.

    youraedthiswrogn December 7, 2018 3:23 am
    Then isn't he both a pedo and ephebo? He did send a dicpic to a middle school student. blackskied

    No, middle school student isn't the same in Korea. I did the research, it looks like Seungtaek would've been 15 or 16 his last year of middle school. He was a 3rd year, the last year of Korean "middle school". American 7-9. He was a highschool freshman.

    blackskied December 7, 2018 5:25 am
    No, middle school student isn't the same in Korea. I did the research, it looks like Seungtaek would've been 15 or 16 his last year of middle school. He was a 3rd year, the last year of Korean "middle school". ... youraedthiswrogn

    If we're gonna go by your research, then he may or may have been already past 13 years old but what if he was in year 1? He may just be turning 14, wouldn't that still count? And if it may not count, why are you so keen on making it a point that he's not a pedophile? Pedophile or not, he did a lot of things that's unacceptable.

    youraedthiswrogn December 7, 2018 7:14 pm
    If we're gonna go by your research, then he may or may have been already past 13 years old but what if he was in year 1? He may just be turning 14, wouldn't that still count? And if it may not count, why are yo... blackskied

    He says he was a year 3, none of what i said was speculation.

    youraedthiswrogn December 7, 2018 8:12 pm
    If we're gonna go by your research, then he may or may have been already past 13 years old but what if he was in year 1? He may just be turning 14, wouldn't that still count? And if it may not count, why are yo... blackskied

    To answer the 2nd half of your question, because it's annoying when people throw around words incorrectly. He is a "predator", not a "pedophile". All pedophiles are predators, not all predators are pedophiles. It annoys me in the same way it annoys me when people try to say that everything is rape. Rape and pedophilia are two horrible, but SPECIFIC things that don't need watered down by people just... Including things in them. Preying on children age 13- is worse than propositioning young adults with brains developed enough to reject you. Both are bad, one is worse. Grabbing a boob isn't rape, forced penetration is rape, can you see how false comparisons might be annoying and insensitive?

    blackskied December 8, 2018 1:05 am
    To answer the 2nd half of your question, because it's annoying when people throw around words incorrectly. He is a "predator", not a "pedophile". All pedophiles are predators, not all predators are pedophiles. ... youraedthiswrogn

    Your point of clarifying the terms is very much appreciated. To conclude, he is a predator according to what you wrote which is more accurate. A predator who preys on teens and sexually harasses them. Not a pedo, nor a rapist. The degree of crime might not be similar but it does not make him less of a criminal and a pervert. If anything, it just makes him a more disgusting and awful character.

    youraedthiswrogn December 13, 2018 5:42 pm
    Your point of clarifying the terms is very much appreciated. To conclude, he is a predator according to what you wrote which is more accurate. A predator who preys on teens and sexually harasses them. Not a ped... blackskied

    Yes, though to be fair, he has shown signs of changing.

Mimi November 29, 2018 11:39 pm

Taesung is being really controlling. He's anxious about his mom and Haebom potentially leaving him but instead of talking it out he's clinging onto Haebom, restricting his movements, and lying to him. Luckily, it'll work out for our boys eventually, but this kinda behavior in a relationship shouldn't just be written off. It's good that Haebom is patient, but it might be better if he would sit Taesung down, say he's concerned, and force the issue out of him. If they talked, Haebom could reassure him, and together they could reassure his mom. Problem solved with just a little communication. For everyone else, please don't ignore controlling behavior in relationships this is how people end up in dangerous situations.

Mimi November 29, 2018 11:23 pm

I don't think it's good to take what other people say at face value. Critical thinking is important. I like that the MC listens and is willing to figure it out for himself, and at the same time won't be swayed against a friend by someone he doesn't know who has no proof. MC is the type to be very loyal once he finally lets someone in and that's admirable. I think it is right for MC to confront the blond dude (but with backup for safety lol).
The age difference is no bueno but the blond dude hasn't been sexual towards MC, if my memory serves me correctly. At this point it's possible that he just wants to help MC (like a big brother/role model type) and the co-worker is saying all this because he misinterpreted or is in love with the blond dude and jealous of the MC.
Still, MC is too young for this mess and shouldn't be jerked around like this by the coworker or the blond dude who's currently ignoring him. The relationship is definitely inappropriate.

    Sakata Ginko December 1, 2018 9:20 am

    At least a comment with a proper criticism. People in the comments just hate him for his behavior without understanding what made him like that.

Mimi November 15, 2018 4:55 am

Ryan and El 's story deserves a bit more credit. Most people seem to prefer Vichid and Ian but I think there are some big issues with the couple. Mainly that there is no reason for Ian to love Vichid. I get that it's the florence nightingale effect but that still seems like a very weak basis for love. Plus, Vichid is definitely a sociopath (like actually pretty textbook case) even if he claims to love Ian he's not actually capable of that because he doesn't give a crap about Ian's happiness.
It seems that the consensus is that Ryan and El are only interested in each other for the sex but I don't see that as the case. Ryan is attracted to El's gap moe as the kids say. He mentions how he likes that El's seductive poker face can be broken by genuine surprise, and says himself El is the first thing he has ever felt greed for, something he couldn't just get by being his bad-ass prince self. Its pretty easy to imagine Vichid doing something terrible to Ian but harder to see Ryan intentionally hurt El. Ryan makes it clear that he would want to make El happy. Ryan is for sure the better prince, even if he is being dumb about the young witch's prophecy (oh hubris the downfall of many fave characters). Also, El's love for Ryan makes more sense than Ian's. Ryan was the first person to accept El for his true self, and the first to make him feel like it was possible for him to be happy.
So basically, even if it seems like all ryan and El do is have sex they do have a strong storyline. Also, the excessive sex as of late has been to display El's denial about him being cursed to misery and attempt to force himself to be happy to ensure he doesn't end up like his mother. The past few chapters have shifted focus plot-wise to Vichid and Ian but it seems like we'll be getting more Ryan and El plot again now.
ok rant over ( ̄∇ ̄")

Mimi November 1, 2018 5:06 pm

A lot of people seem to think that taesung is protecting haebom by keeping the situation with the mother from him. I disagree with this, I think the person taesung is protecting is himself. He doesn't trust that haebom loves him enough to stay with him despite the mother's disapproval and so doesn't want to tell him the truth. He's underestimating haebom's love and his ability to handle the situation. Ms. Ha is also haebom's only parental figure and he loves her. He was very concerned about how she would view their relationship and he has a right to discuss it with her on his own terms. Luckily, haebom seems to have figured out the situation already and will let taesung process it as he needs to. He definitely does need to work on somethings with his mom, so messed up (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜. But as far as her disapproval of their relationship, he is not handling this the best. I don't think its good for people to think its okay to keep big issues like this from their partners even if it's to protect them. Marriages will fall apart because people keep illness or financial trouble secret for the same reason. Relationships are about trust and communication. They have to be able to face the world together not hide the things that upset them.

Mimi April 27, 2018 6:28 am

why is everyone crying (⊙…⊙ )? I want to read it and don't mind happy tears but I can't handle tragedies right now. someone please let me know if its a happy ending before I proceed.
P.S. also please do the spoiler space space space thing for people who like checking comments but don't need a yaoi safety net like me ( ̄∇ ̄"). thank you!

    K21796 April 27, 2018 8:56 am

    Their is some angst and drama and stuff in the beginning, but no more than usual. They separate for a little while then finally get together and get a happy ending. But the author shows a two part ending where they're happily living together and the old age version where one has passed on and the other is recalling all their memories together. I got a little choked up at those scenes. No tragedy!!! Just maybe a melancholy feeling at the most.

    Mimi April 27, 2018 7:47 pm
    Their is some angst and drama and stuff in the beginning, but no more than usual. They separate for a little while then finally get together and get a happy ending. But the author shows a two part ending where ... K21796


    K21796 April 27, 2018 8:09 pm

    No problem ヾ(☆▽☆)

Mimi April 27, 2018 4:48 am

There's a difference between leaving the readers wanting more and just not finishing a story...(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Mimi April 23, 2018 5:16 am

Wow I feel like this chapter was just really horrible and sad and I'm so worried about DG now. Jesus something like this would totally fuck me up┗( T﹏T )┛, just not okay at all. Alex needs to do a complete 180 for me to ever get over this. I feel like that angry Tyra Banks meme. https://giphy.com/gifs/QxPN0PATZGTJu/html5
Maybe it just surprised me a lot but ugh... (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ stuff like this shouldn't ever happen.
If DG was a friend of mine, I'd tell him to never go near Alex again. But I still want to ship them cause of... #-.-), god, idk if I even can anymore.
Alex is gonna ruin bdsm for DG and that's not fair. Also the first time they slept together Alex was really awful and rough too! Not cool! Why would you treat a virgin like that. So completely unacceptable. He could've put him off anal sex forever with that shit. The whole point of being fuck buddies with a pornstar is that they should be really good in bed.
I don't think a rape scene in a yaoi has ever triggered me so badly, my mind was just screaming NO! the whole chapter.
I still want to rant but anymore would just be too much.
For now, I'm going to let it go and keep reading, but damn... ╥﹏╥ .

Mimi March 27, 2018 2:33 pm

So I'm 100% sure I've read more translated chapters than they have on mangago but it's been a while and I have no idea where I read them anymore. ( ̄∇ ̄") I definitely know whats going to happen after ch 77. Does anyone know where to find the rest? I don't care if I have to pay for the site.

Mimi January 8, 2018 6:54 am

The Prince is so adorable when he's with Kinrei now, I love it! I wish we could've gotten more Rakan and Chigusa here but it was really cute. Kazuhi stole my heart in this one I really loved seeing the number kids prequel. So glad this was uploaded for all of us. SD is in my top 5 shounen ai of all time. Now all I could ask for is a steamy doujinshi. I want to see all of my ships really get to sail.

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