I love this so much, I thought it was just gonna be the nasty,
I'm so obsessed with the art style, I have so much fun ssing
Wow, this is making me speechless... so which is which now
Crossover plss, I want them to meet the rest of robber x lover characters
Can they get their kids back? They're all I think about while reading this
I think the guard is an alpha, that also took the "milk" drug which is why he sorta turned into an omega?
ANYWAYS, I'm so confused on who's the fox's father, is it silver hair since foxy "thinks" about him? or the prosecutor, who foxy reacted to his pheromones on his given shirt?
But, basing on the snake hugging him, I think it's silver head.
But basing on the baby fox's color, I think its the prosecutor.
What if the baby would look exactly like foxy? another orange head, or a mix of silver hair and black hair.
(Pls spoil me)
I really love this type of plot, pls kind humans... recommend me some
Awww, I want more:(( too bad it's already completed I miss them already..
What if the white cat with heterochromia used to be Qin's system? but something happened so he can't guide him anymore and instead watched over him, I thought of this because the white cat always appear in the different realms. Then, Qin got stuck on the transmigration which leads to him being torn into fragments creating this realms, and it just so happens that Wang Yi is one of the/or main causes of the problem.
What do you think? ( ̄∇ ̄")