I came to the comments to see what people think about the plot and all I see is shit about his dating life like the kid is in high school. He is trying to do and appreciate all the things he didn't last time. He is probably not going to date anyone until he will well established in acting (30+) so yall need to chill the fuck out. Plus yall forget that he knows who these people are going to fall in love with when they get older (if they were in the entertainment industry) so he not going to want to fuck that up for them. At most he is going to try to steer them in the right direction.
this art had me thrown the fuck off like who these people
So I wasn’t crazy!,,! It DID change!
with the tight schedules many comics are under, artists work in teams, often the lead artist, and 1-2 others who do line art & color. sometimes assistants retire or a new assistant is added to the team. sometimes this causes anatomy errors or obvious shifts in style. i think that's what happened this chapter.