I feel so bad for Shiba but at the same time I feel like she should at least understand why he can't prioritise her first. Paul needs a long ass vacation after this whole situation is settled. I don't think he's dense, some people just doesn't have romance in their mind at all times so he probably doesn't think much of it. I didn't agree with her pushy methods in the beginning though and then if things didn't go her way she just gets mad at him. Getting your crush to notice you is hard but pushing him to do what you want against his will is a no-no for me so I'm not entirely invested in their romance. Dx

I don't understand where all this hate for the Emperor is coming from when it literally just started. We don't know what both of them are really like, we don't know their full stories so why are we already judging him? There was no abuse, no concubine drama that led to her death, no plot against her that he came up with as of yet so why all this hate?
All we know is that it was a loveless marriage, the Empress died from poison and that they knew of each other since childhood. If he was guilty of something, it was of being indifferent to his wife. She had a flaw herself too, trying to be someone she's not that she ended up losing herself entirely or at least from how he saw it. They are both guilty of not communicating with each other because he didn't know why she did what she did for him.
I am looking forward to more chapters because it's the first time the protaganist is from the point of view of the male lead.

I agree with all of your statements that the hate comments are a lil too much when this is just starting and there's not much info to go on. but there's one thing that I can't agree on, it's like the empress herself was the one obsessed with being a perfect empress. Her parents were apparently extremely abusive both physically and mentally and they started training her to be an empress ever since she was a kid. So she was basically brainwashed into thinking that she had to be perfect, there wasn't any other option for her than to be perfect at anything and everything.

All I said about the Empress's flaw was the lack of communication mainly because it's from his perspective and it doesn't look like the both of them talk which is also his fault as well for being so indifferent to his wife. I get that she was abused but her husband doesn't know that yet though I'm guessing he'll find out eventually in this timeline. It's not her fault her parents are shitty so I hope she can open up to him even a little. It's also not his fault because he didn't know and it's sad that he felt indifferent to her in the beginning.
What is up with most of these isekai or time travel manwhas with shitty parents?? ;A;

ooh I kinda miss interpreted what u said I thought u meant u thought she had a flaw for wanting to be the perfect Empress which is usually common but that was just what ml said lol my bad lol and that's true I think the author adds to it for more development but its just became such a common trope now it just like eh another bad parent

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a perfect Empress after all. I do think her flaw is the lack of communication with the Emperor. Instead of telling him what she thinks, she writes it in her journal though I understand it might be difficult if she was abused for a long time. Even so, the other party won't know until you tell them what's on your mind, they can't read minds and it shows from how the Emperor just couldn't understand what goes on in her mind when she doesn't tell him. This of course is something the Emperor lacks too cause he doesn't even try to understand where she's coming from and never asked her directly.
I am looking forward to future chapters. >u<
I don't like that trope of shitty parents cause it's super tiring. Dx

I personally don't hate Lucio and mainly because I read Remarried Empress which has the most shittiest Emperor so Lucio is so much better. I do feel sorry for him for his traumatic life and instead of keeping it to himself to create more misunderstandings, he opened up to Patrizia. I can only imagine how hard that must have been for him to admit everything that has happened to him.
He was already beginning to feel suspicious of Rose even since he overheard about what happened during the envoys visit. It must have shocked him but he was willing to believe in Patrizia's words. He could have barged into the room and yelled at her for her lies against his mistress yet he didn't and tried to find out the truth himself. Which is saying something because he originally did want to accuse Patrizia for hurting his mistress.
I think people should give him a chance because he is slowly changing unlike Rose who is clearly still an asshole.

I'm on chapter 7 and what Hana said to Chang-Wok bothered me. Why is he obligated to tell her about his past regarding a rumour just because she was assuming things about it? You just met the guy, you only started helping him cause you think he's attractive and no one would be comfortable talking about a rumour that involves them being seen in a negative light. While it's good that at least she's trying to communicate with him but the way she went about it was wrong. Don't simply lash out at someone you just met and force them to talk about something they might be uncomfortable with in the first place. Don't guilt trip them either to make them feel bad for not talking about it to you because again, he isn't obligated to tell a stranger about it, especially if it was a painful experience to him.

Why are the female leads in these kind of manwhas so frigging weak?? You should have just called him and talked it out but now because of you he might get dragged back into a fight he wanted no part in at all. You were so against him returning for the sake of protecting him but didn't bother trying to comfirm his side of things??? Don't simply assume shit just because you are insecure. Just. Talk. It. Out.
Maybe it's just me but she is starting to frustrate me. I get that you don't want people to know of your condition but your husband should be allowed to know if you're unwell. You complain about him not taking any interest in you but he's showing you interest now so why can't you just tell him. As for Hiu I know that he has his reasons as well so I can't fully blame him for not saying anything but she is your wife. She deserves to at least know why you don't want to continue your bloodline.
One thing I hate is how Jerome immediately accuses Hiu for being mad at his wife. Like excuse me??? The way he phrased it made it sound like Hiu is punishing his wife. I'm sorry but it was Hiu that got hurt by Vivian this time. Why can't Vivian be the one to come and visit him first? It's not like he'd be mad at her for keeping him company.
I just need this whole mess sorted out pronto cause it's really pissing me off. Dx This is all that maid's fault for bringing it up to Jerome in the first place.
He wasn’t accusing him he was stating it how it is. Also she told him that she couldn’t get pregnant the second time they met and he laughed it off. This whole situation is his fault not anyone else’s. He didn’t care about her health or wellness until he fell for then had the audacity to get mad about something he knew. He didn’t ask questions then so why should it have been a problem now. He should have to apologize first. If I were Lucia I’d ignore his existence for the rest of my before I caved no matter how much it hurt. He laughed of my pain then blamed me for him getting angry over my pain. Not only that he was fine with this not being a problem before but now it’s an issue? The only two who has the right to be mad is Lucia and Jerome. Jerome got caught in the cross fire while doing his job.