Well, since I'm currently working 50+ hours per week (and spending 4h in a train each day) I'm unable to care for my lists and albums as I'd like to. I'm already cutting down on sleep (which isn't my brightest idea, but oh well), so just give me a holler if you find a picture in my albums without any source - I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
*off to finish laundry*

Since Voltaire seems to know what he was talking about:
Farewell, Father-in-Law. Have a safe trip to wherever you were headed after breathing your last. You've been an awesome grandpa, an admirable father (of 4!) and an undefeatable grouch (though you melted to a puddle once your grandchildren asked for sweets). There are plenty of things I would've rather done today than attend your funeral, but it's been an honor to be your daughter-in-law, so we endured the awful eulogy, the rain, snow and hail. (I swear I could hear you cursing "this shitty weather!")
I guess you've been delighted that they played your favourite music, though I almost spit out my teeth when "I want to break free" rang through the ceremonial hall (I couldn't help envisioning Freddy Mercury in his maid-outfit with the vacuum cleaner and had a hard time keeping a straight face)
So, have a safe trip. Or as you always said (on whichever day of the week): "Have a good weekend!"
I'll miss your grouchiness, your awful coffee, your fluffy pancakes and the way you looked at my children as if they're a gift from heaven.
To those who feel annoyed by this off-topic message: my bad, I just needed to get rid of this, just ignore it.
To everyone else: just take it, as if I had requested "slice of life", "drama" and "tragedy". And yes - I already got it.

A toast to grandpas.

At this rate we'll drink ourselves into a stupor, but that's alright, I guess. I need to get rid of this eulogy in my head ... *squeeze tear glands* "I want to break free"(Queen) *squeeze tear glands* "Imagine"(John Lennon) *SQUEEZE tear glands* "Words" (Bee Gees)
The poor girl isn't at fault, she was just hired for the job and did her best for someone she never even met. *toast* But this was a hired eulogy for someone who refused to wear a brand-new winter coat (all through winter, for pete's sake!) because his old flimsy jacket "is enough". (Enough for what?)
You probably would've liked this grandpa, though smoking with him always ended in the vulture-rountine from dumbo. "So, what are we gonna do?" "I don't know, you tell me"

Thank you all for your kind replies and the toasts for "Grandpa Ebi", really, thank you.
I'll head off to bed now, my eyes prolly look like 33 tomorrow morning, but it's a holiday anyways so I'm free to look as ridiculous as I want.
So, have a safe trip Grandpa Ebi, I guess you're helping Petrus rewire heaven's gate right about now (once a electrician, always a electrician)
Tomorrow we're gonna fix our crowns, place your picture on the cupboard and sing in the lifeboats.

wow and to think i just read one of Voltaire's work for class last week. Never ever would i have imagined to see someone mentioning it on a manga website, a yaoi manga website to boot

The whole situation closely resembles a shipwreck; survivors scattered here and there and noone is yet able to sing. That he visited a doctor last year around september because of heavy pains in his back and legs and was send home with an OINTMENT (though the pain probably originated already from bone metastasis) made us horribly frustrated now.
Surely this isn't the right place to put out my own "lament for the dead", but .. how do I say this? Here I can write what I think without offending those of his family who've got a different approach and viewpoint.
And classics and yaoi aren't incompatible at all (in my opinion) - like Goethe's "Werther" needs a Dj. Maybe then he'll get rid of his anxieties.

Photo Album? Alright, I've had it.
Where do I have to sign to sell my soul?

Hah, that is okay then, and as long as you are not stringing something precious up...then carry on, my wayward one.
Ew, just realized that stringing them up reminds me of a childhood song - about some silver bells hanging on a string, and the fellow calling them his ding-a-ling. *shudders* the strange associations one can make.

That would explain so much! (Let's say my father's only talent amounts to fathering offspring - which he diligently did. Everywhere.) - and my mother's still the same (practising her taek-won-do-skills on a wardrobe and claiming afterwards that she wanted to bring it to the garbage dump anyway...)
But she insisted on him being funny back then (else she wouldn't have married him).

*Nods* My mom says the same thing, so it must be true. We suck some of the personalities out of one of our parents during conception, so the one we are most unlike is probably the one with the depleted personality. Apparently my dad was funny at some point, but that disappeared, same as with your dad. Perfectly reasonable. *nods again*

You asked (and right know I can't answer directly, so I'll try to make do this way)
"cute so : does any one knows this yaoi manga were this exorcist friend has like super strength they cant have sex yet because the friend is too strong could please tell me sorry i dont remember much"

AnonymousJanuary 29, 2015 5:09 am
I'm looking for a manga .. may be a new manga.. where the female protagonist is a royal princess and she inherited the throne though she is really sheltered? She actually also has a rare power to control demons (or a HUGE toger?)... There is a very devoted bodyguard? This princess is very sheltered and naive due to her upbringing yet she is very "powerful"?
Belated answer:
(well, at least I hope that's the one you were looking for ^^)

Scanlationsgroups near and far, hear my prayers... Scanlations of the north and the south, east and west, listen to my pleas...
Translate "Given" by Kizu Natsuki!
And with the accumulated vigor let's go *POOF* and finish every forgotten and mold-growing piece on hiatus, for peace on earth and revolution.
Uh-oh, my temp's rising again, back to bed and my medicine...

while you're at it, also have them translate:
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, Blue Sky Complex Ten Count, You're My Loveprize In Viewfinder,
Shouwaru Ookami ga Koi wo Shita Rashii... OK just these on the top list for now... but make Saezuru first of all

Okane ga nai for me please ;)

Ah hahaha! I got myself a full day of rain XD just got home and my shoes are soaked through -my 'oomph' royally sucks!

I pray for Saezuru every day. :'(

No, no. That's just me being selfishly ungrateful... i know the scanlaters are doing a great job :))
Dear Mangago-Team,
thank you very much for fixing the "sign in issue" - for a moment I seriously feared my profile might have been lost (which led to me realizing just how much time I already invested); so thank you very much!
No Yaoi No Life.