Morcheeba like topic of Regas


Oh no please do NOT kill her, we have no idea yet what might happen, so far she acted as if everyone who got "cursed" on the day she returned was a "side-effect"

Can't we just ... put her somewhere and throw away the key...?

Morcheeba created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

At this point, if Hyo-un gets issues to never ever get seperated for even a minute: bro has got a damn LIST of things that went wrong as soon as Taehyuk so much as left his sight.

Dear Taehyuk: make the guy your bodyguard or assistant or royal carrier of the phone, I don't care, managers grow in colleges, dragon mates are a little harder to procure ACT like it

Morcheeba created a topic of Foul's Start

At this rate we're gonna have a mermaid bubbles situation on our hands if Pado keeps putting his life energy in posing as a stone and Haeul runs out of konpeito

Unfortunately he didn't exactly plead for a happy ever after but only for a chance to clear that mistake he made up, huh

Doesn't look up for Petty Stone Face Pado (don't mean to invalidate his heartbreak but he went the petty route afterwards with his whole chest and some neck for good measure)

Yes, the art is pretty but it was so original before... my heart bleeds a little imagining what events must have taken place to arrive at this.

Morcheeba created a topic of As The Heart Leads

"wow, did you have a bad night?" (sucker punches vengeful spirits)

Spends 2 weeks of hard work to cleanse and fortify her bedroom, wakes up in his: "is this another reincarnation? Hell this time?!"

If one more person mistakes her totem as a dildo I'm going on a journey. [Going on for several panels: severe misunderstandings regarding the inherent power of woodcarvings and BIGGER IS BETTER]

Really got him with "QUOTA", "DELAY" and "DEADLINE" like the summoning spell for a middle management nervous breakdown

Morcheeba created a topic of Black Chain

[Facepalms with abandon]

You put her in a time loop that puts her right at the beginning where you two meet and she does everything, EVERYthing EVERYTHING except wake you up, up to and including killing herself and you CANNOT TAKE THAT HINT

Like, Bro, wouldn't that be the point to say alright, I'm up and awake and I'm gonna slink away quietly so that she maybe has a little motivation to stay alive until lets say...supper.

I will keep on reading this for the elder dragon lady who just did not sign up for this adolescent shitshow of guys who need to grow an anterior insular cortex right next to some balls.

Morcheeba created a topic of He Hasn't Faded

*massages temples*

Is that his next best bet? Fortune telling?
I mean, he is a go getter, solving his debts with that tight deadline while he has to short out that whole shebang, but still. A fortune teller?
Bro, you ain't got a tight grip on why or how you're there. How about you tell your own fortune, for a start.

Morcheeba created a topic of Fly Me To The Moon

Family? Family can be you, your mother, the guy your mother is married with, and the grandfather that fathered you and your brother that might be actually the son of the guy your mother's married to.

At this point, I'm thoroughly confused about the family relations between her child and the guy who attacked her first. I think he might lose his marbles if he has to call her baby uncle.

gangster uncle, please buff out BEFORE you retaliate

Morcheeba created a topic of Dear, 00

... alright, so next up:

how to foster your biblically correct angel (genetic experiment) for dummies:
Step 1. You MIGHT think that's too many eyes, but in fact...!
Step 2. How hard can socializing from scratch be?
Step 3. Forgot about potty training and now we have all these bodies

Morcheeba created a topic of The 8th Failed Love

as of ch.7 I am convinced NEITHER of the 2 has all their ducks in a row.

This "whoopsie I fall in love so easily"-guy isn't even persistent. He's just if gum under your shoe was a person. Doesn't help if the gum is pink and harmless.

...he went in trying to distract her with "everything's fine lemme just potentially-super-poison-french you" and she DEVOURED the man and knocked him on his ass.
And I love that for them.
Because they end on a couch, 20 inch apart, having a TALK talk.

Morcheeba created a topic of Hyanghyeon Text

I never finished this one and finally started over from the beginning to amend this and at the end of chapter 1
~ dramatic reveal ~
And I'm like.
Bro. Maybe he just hasn't any.
And lawd I thought the same thing ages ago when I read that first chapter the first time.

Seems like the heroine went to explore her alignment chart and fell off

For once the villain took the stage and was actually villaineous with their whole chest. No wonder the Dragon was like "I'm IN"