Siyeon is so entitled. Wtf did u think when you became a damn hitman? That you can just normally walk away whenever you want?
Tae was just telling the truth.

Lmao let's not pretend like Siyeon isn't much more rude and cold towards tae.
He's a hit man, he signed a contract, he brought it upon him self. He shouldn't be so surprised if they won't just let him quit.
Tae IS a buisnessman, and it'd be dumb of him to let go of their best killer, even if they're dating.
Telling the truth is cold sometimes, but Siyeon planning on breaking up with Tae after everything he did for him is freezing cold in comparison.

Yeah Siye is cold too..especially in the beginning.
They don't have a choice but to let him quit if he wants, it's not like they can take him to court. If he were anyone else, they'd probably kill him.
Not sure what you mean by 'everything he did' Tae manipulated Siye into a relationship and then played pretend yandere bf imho. In the beginning Siye just wanted a place to live. He had planned on minding his own biz with the contract job and the pt jobs. He didn't even want to date. Siye should not have let Tae sweep him up into this rebound relationship but he did, now he wants to end it. Siye had been wanting to quit the killer job even before he was dumped. He isn't trying to live off Tae at all. Tae is the one screwing with Siye's other jobs.

That bitch is still cold lmao. Tae sugar babied him and gave him literally everything he could've wanted, he's even living there without payment.
He could EASILY leave if he wants to, but he chooses to take advantage of Tae still.
Besides, when Siyeon got kidnapped, what was Tae supposed to do? Stroll in and ask them nicely? He's a killer too lmao.
Also yeah, they can't just let him quit, as i said, he's a damn hitman. Its not a normal job that he can leave anytime he wants, unless theres an extremely good reason, like an injury for example.
They would probably kill him and not let him leave
He accepted that job. He brought it upon himself. And I'm not gonna pretend like Tae is entirely innocent, but man Siyeon is mUCH worse than Tae.
Besides if he really wasn't trying to live off of Tae why hadn't he left a long time ago and stayed at his friends place for a while?
He's just taking advantage of Taes fondness towards him and to have sex tbh.
FiNe it was cute as hell, but could've been hotter with girls with straps.
Hshsjsjshs i love them