I've got three recommendation. My top 3:
1. Life Senjou no Bokura (YAOI). This is a famous one. Realistic, but that's why it hurts so bad. It's a guaranteed GOOD cry, as in you know that they end up together after all, but it still hurts.
2. Bokura wa Nando mo Koi o suru (YAOI). This one is unexpected, because this mangaka usually does nonsense ...... reply
ANYTHING BY OGERETSU Tanaka. Aka the author to Bitch Club and Escape Journey and other brilliantly uncensored dicks works of art! Famous for the GAPING hole. I can't. I swear his/her works turn me into a pervert every damn time! 5 reply
I'm actually surprised that Sagittarius and Aquarius are Omega. Seems quite impossible given their independent and stubborn streaks. Based on horoscope, Aquarius has tendency to be genius and generally is the rule breaker, and Sagittarius is intelligent and natural born leader so it seems unlikely that neither of them should be Omega. If anything b...... 10 reply
For some reason I can never post my comment in the other thread, so I’m starting a new one because I find this topic very interesting.
Here is my version of Zodiac x Omegaverse. I made this list for fun, maybe some of you can agree. I know for sure I fit in as the Aquarius
Capricorn - Alpha for sure, it's the leadership and stubbornness in them. Aquarius - Beta, hardworking and possibly the mad scientists behind heat suppressants or heat inducers (depends on if they choose to be good for evil) Pisces - Omega or Beta, submissive and easily manipulated because they're too nice Aries - Alpha for sure but can also be the "boss bitch" Omega because of their confidence and determination Taurus - Beta 100%, they're hardworking like bulls Gemini - Beta, or would make very interesting Omegas because of their adaptability. Like an Omega who acts nice to please but is actually a secret bad ass. Cancer - Omega, the sensitive/emotional type Leo - Alpha or die. Too prideful to be anything but. Virgo - Beta, hardworking and likes things to be in order. Libra - Beta who fights for the equality of the sexes. Scorpio - Alpha or Omega, the sexy, passionate lover/player kind. A Scorpio Omega would be ULTRA sexy, using his biological traits as an advantage instead of being brought down by them. Sagittarius - Alpha or Beta, the righteous leader kind, probably fights for equality of the sexes.