I sense this is the calm before the storm. There's gotta be a dead lover somewhere in this story, most likely for Yura, and Shuma definitely knows about it. I don't think they share "that" kind of relationship, probably just genuine friends comforting each other. With how much attachment Yura has for keeping track of school history to ensure that there is a record of every student who has spent their youth there, there's definitely someone he couldn't forget about, and the last connection he has to this old love was through the school. I hope to see Haga mature, he's too touchy feely with Yura, knows no boundaries, and will most likely get him fired if his carelessness continues. I'm a little annoyed by him, but he is a 17 yo kid, I hope they only "attempt" a relationship when he's a full grown working adult bc right now is just NOT it.

Heonjae is a literal nut job. He’s the real deal crazy. I’m more scared of scary people who acts innocent because they’re living in their own delusions than a straight up sadistic psycho like Jingi.
Jingi is at least predictable, his emotions are real, he’s in touch with reality. Myeong is so fucked either way, ALL the puns intended

I’m torn but if this shit continues I’m gonna start to get annoyed by Louie. Kindness is strength but being TOO unconditionally kind can turn into pure naivety. There hasn’t been any character development for Louie. He may feel a bit more loved but he hasn’t grown a back bone to stand up to his family.

He was locked away, physically abused, nearly raped as a child by his half brother, took care of his dying mother his whole life and then was bartered off to a kingdom under guise of a lie and then nearly killed over it. Now his husband comes back half-dead and the entire time he's had to endure being hated by his own country and the one he moved to.
His kindness is a virtue and comes from a genuine place. He isn't being kind for the sake of it but because he knows he had a part in the war starting in the first place even tho he had little to no choice in the matter. Louie isn't stupid either given he's survived this long under his father and family.
Ya'll just don't like it when a character is pure hearted despite the shit they've been through.

My heart wants the Adachi ship to sail, but if this is going for a more realistic approach, Adachi may just be the straight guy best friend for Atami. I just gotta set aside my feelings for the fantasy bc first love doesn’t always come true, but as a friend Adachi will always be there for Atami. I can see it already. Atami at his wedding, Adachi is the best man giving an awkward toast. This manga gives off that kind of vibes~~~

Now Louie is getting on my nerves. You’ve been the damsel in distress, you’ve been wronged. Idk why you’re even trying to protect your abuser. All because he loves your mom??? All that got cancelled the MOMENT he tried to touch you. That’s just a SICK excuse to s*xually ab*se someone! Especially a child!
And he killed a wolf??? And started a war where countless innocents on both sides die??? Yeah. Death sentence. Immediately. Special place in hell for Asslak

This is such a unique plot. Yes their love and character development for Kanou is amazing but the plot device with Campanella (high schooler) random act of kindness is so touching. He really did unintentionally saved Kanou at his lowest points….twice. An angel who happened to be there at the right time, but more importantly he reached out and showed unconditional kindness. I want an extra of older Campanella as a working adult getting his first suit made by Kanou, that would’ve made this a full circle moment and I will actually cry tears of joy
That fucking harness. Those poses. His legs, torso, hips, waist. He’s so fucking HOT every panel has me GASPING for air. STEP ON ME DADDY EIN