Does anyone know when they'll find out that she's crossdressing? Who will find out first? How will it play out?

As I have read from comments, The Royal scribe is the first one to find out. And then the ML and finally the queen. Yuri herself decided to tell the queen since she and the ML kinda started dating. Alas, the queen also liked Yuri thinking finally she found a male who has same thinking as her and they will get along well but duhhh.

The way the ML is treating her is just like, major red flags
Like I get that he has his reasons, however, that doesn't excuse the way he's treated her thus far. And like, bro, you need to t a l k to her, otherwise she's going to keep hating you.
Her anger is well placed too. She has told the ML that she doesn't want to be associated with him anymore and yet he keeps pushing?? and then he goes off and makes her go back to his home w him?? Like ofc she's not going to like him. His actions do not convey "I care about you a lot" a t a l l.
Hopefully they figure this all out soon. A small miscommunication is fine but something that goes on for this long? It's starting to scream toxic. As much as I love them, they shouldn't be together at this rate

Does anyone know how old the characters are?
I know the ceo red head is 19 and I think the guard is 19 as well but idk how old Luc and the tutor are...
Like I think they said Luc was 16 and then they said Luc was the same age as the guard and then idk??
Like I like it so far but romance between luc and the tutor is extremely sus rn...
wait... they're still going after that kevis terrorist group?
I stopped reading at like chapter 43 thinking that the kevis thing would end soon since it's pretty obvious who's involved but... it's still going on?
I jumped to the latest chapter just to check and like... I feel like I could pick this back up from there and still know everything that's happening