Hey there ! I read your reply extremely late and I’m sorry for that ; I thus thought to message you here for I wasn’t sure it would be notified otherwise ( I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I didn’t know how to reach out to you otherwise )
You talked about how your father was abusive in your reply and even to me the entire situation felt frightening as I read it . You’re so admirable and I’m really happy that your mum is there for you , Seems like you’re her strength as she is yours ! Your father really deserves neither you nor your mum for his actions are alarmingly detrimental for both your physical and mental well being .. I hope you get into a new place sometime in the future and achieve the freedom and happiness you are worthy of unlike how your father treats you.. I’m so sorry but more than that I’m really proud of you girl !! You’re unbelievably strong Take care :’)
Hey there ! I read your reply extremely late and I’m sorry for that ; I thus thought to message you here for I wasn’t sure it would be notified otherwise ( I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I didn’t know how to reach out to you otherwise )
You talked about how your father was abusive in your reply and even to me the entire situation felt frightening as I read it .
You’re so admirable and I’m really happy that your mum is there for you , Seems like you’re her strength as she is yours !
Your father really deserves neither you nor your mum for his actions are alarmingly detrimental for both your physical and mental well being ..
I hope you get into a new place sometime in the future and achieve the freedom and happiness you are worthy of unlike how your father treats you..
I’m so sorry but more than that I’m really proud of you girl !!
You’re unbelievably strong
Take care :’)