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Special Disaster June 16, 2021 6:07 pm

I don't know if this is allowed but fuck it, it needs to be said.
There are WAY too many children on discussion boards talking about masturbation and such, or personal things about their home lives.
I understand that Mangago is a home away from home for a lot of us, but you also have to understand that this is the internet and anyone could do anything with that information. I don't think minors should be having those kinds of conversations where adults can take advantage of them in an already highly sexual place.
Mangago is not therapy and shouldn't be treated as such. It's a manga site. Nothing more, nothing less. This isn't the place to get help for genuine issues :/
I don't care if minors are on Mangago reading explict things, it's on their parents for not keeping them under wraps better, but they shouldn't make their age known or their personal life issues. It makes adults on the site really uncomfortable and generally ruins the experience.
Small rant.
I'm seeing some dislikes, leave a comment, I wanna hear your thoughts.

    NZIGHT June 16, 2021 5:59 pm

    Agree !!!

    Akui Aki June 16, 2021 6:08 pm

    THANK YOU someone finally said it!!

    HamstersAre3dCircles June 16, 2021 6:09 pm

    Agreed displaying too much information definetely isn’t safe for them...

    Ore-Sama June 16, 2021 6:14 pm

    I know!! For real, lots of mangas and manhwas on here shouldn't be read– basically porn. Do something meaningful with your life pls. We were so different when we were kids lmao

    Kash June 16, 2021 6:19 pm

    Totally agree... And what is even amusing is that they like to boost about their age and considering how many d*** they have seen here in mangago...

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