Dear Authors,

Just because the genre if slice-of-life does not mean it doesn't have to be interesting ಥ‿ಥ

I love slice-of-life, it's one of my fav genre. I can reread a single manga with that genre over and over again.

But why do almost all slice-of-life genre are just not interesting enough to keep me on my phone for hours?! (っ˘╭╮˘)っ

I wanna get lost in the story.

What's wrong with adding a bit of seasoning here and there every once a while? What's wrong with making the story with actual plot and development while keeping it slice-of-life? What's wrong with a having the characters have character development? What's wrong with having them cry? Sob? Angry? Complicated? Or just sad? What's wrong with that?

I read slice-of-life of life cause it will make me happy for them. Make me root for them. But if you make the plot and character too straight, plain with a single characteristics it doesn't make it interesting. It will only bore the readers and leave, some may even add them to library and maybe came back to read again, but believe me, a lot, and I mean A LOT will not came back for a manga that does not catch there attention •  ‿ ,•

Dear Authors, I do try to read the manga, I would even keep going even it I was bored out of my mind to see if there is any development but chap 30 and still none? (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

Sincerely, a devoted otaku since 2013

P. S. This os just a rant people. Just a rant hahahaha
2023-11-29 09:18 marked
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2021-07-25 15:32 marked
lately ive found myself stopping on some uh *spicy* scenes while reading and snickering to myself like a creep. is there any way i can avoid this developing into a weird habit of mine because i seriously feel like a serial killer while tryna beat
2021-06-26 12:12 marked
note to self: stop assuming their hair is blonde because the author didn't fill the hair color in... it will never be blonde #-.-)
2021-06-26 07:06 marked
I finally found an omegaverse manga with a female alpha and an male omega: (*•ᴗ•*)و
2021-06-25 05:47 marked
Every time I watch a scifi movie about aliens taking over the planet by inhabiting the body of a human and integrating into society, it always makes me wonder, why humans? (Yes, I understand that it's because humans are the audience and us being the target creates more audience appeal, but that's not the point of my question.)

In most movies, the aliens are supposedly of higher intelligence than us humans so if they can take over the body of any living organism, why would they choose the human body. They are already smarter than us so wouldn't it make more sense to choose a more powerful creature such as a lion or an alligator. That way they have both the brain and the brawn.

Humans are actually one of the weakest life forms when you take away their weapons (ie their intellectual capability that allows them to be superior to other animals). If you were to put a human in a cage with a lion and tell them to fight mele with the lion, there is less than a 1% chance that the human would come out on top. Now take a lion that had intelligence on par, rathet, superior to that of a human and take a regular human and tell them to battle the lion with nothing but their bare hands, the human has no chance. Give a human a weapon, the lion still has superior intelligence, which is what allows us to make weapons in the first place so...

The only reason humans are "on top of the food chain" is because we have higher intelligence which allows us to create weapons and traps to overpower and trick other animals. So why would the alien, having already achieved superior intelligence, choose to take over the body of one of the physically weakest lifeforms when they could simply choose one of the most powerful species on the planet and be both physically stronger and mentally sharper than humans and any other living organism on the planet?

Ngl I feel kinda dumb rn cause I've actually put some seriour thought into this on multiple occasions
2021-05-25 07:14 marked
Hey guys idk this is kinda weird but do you guys like "thank yous" to question answers or are they kinda annoying?
2021-05-24 08:21 marked
Love you mangago but your giving me trust issues. Maybe we should go to couples therapy so you stop leaving me!!
2021-04-16 07:30 marked

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