So she was eating her own larva then. I actually didn't notice the birth canal was connected to her ass last chapter and assumed she was eating random eggs from a spare necromancer tentacle she found. I'm assuming she's either a failed necromite or a failed necromancer. Maybe she got attacked by the eggs while she was still alive and now she's a weird hybrid monster.

I might like this a little too much. It's kinda trashy but it's self aware about it so it ends up being really funny.
I wonder if the end game is the MC dying so she can be with her ghost husbando forever. Or maybe she'll have a ghost baby. Paru's nosebleed manga had a very bizarre trajectory of events so I can't even pretend to know what's going to happen.
This is so cute! The author did a really good job of making Fujiwara's hair mesmerizing, I couldn't take my eyes off it. Long hair is the best!