Omg I can't believe Cain was an actual dog in the past lmaao i thought he would be a servant or sumn...but I see how Jooin treated Cain the same way that Yahwi treated Jooin, when Cain tries to reach out to Jooin, he pulls his hand back just like Yahwi did in the past for Jooin....love how the author put those scenes together lol

Fuuuu THIS WAS SO GOOD! SO freaking beautiful!!! Gosh it was so well written and I still feel so freaking bad for skyler, like ugh i hate his mom....there were moments I was just bawling in the story but at the end it really is such a good ending, just showing pure and beautiful love they have for each other. And Mr.counsellor YOU DA BEST! woow this is def a must read!
So Louis was clearly drugged on that night, which was why he was obediently listening to everything the prince said + memory loss after the incident. He was waiting for the Duke before the prince found him so wbk since the beginning that the duke was the criminal LMAO (plus the fact that all the victims resemble Louis is sus)
I also think the duke is the criminal. Ever since he was introduced in the story, i felt my gut instinct saying that smth is off about him.
The duke prolly has an obsession with him or Louis looks exactly the type of person the duke would target.
Yup. They made it really obvious. Plus you would have to be someone really rich to offer 1000 gold coins. The Duke is super sus.