SayerSong created a topic of Baby Tyrant

I like the way Mabel and Aiden think. He needs to suffer to the greatest degree possible. Killing him right off the bat would have been way too easy and merciful.

SayerSong created a topic of Did It Work

The only thing that would have made that scene better is if the big brother had been the one to walk in and seen his perverted little bro going to town while wailing on the guy.

I think it would have given him a bit more sympathy for the Boss.

SayerSong created a topic of Baby Tyrant

That's it. I already hated that low-life SOB. Now I don't just want him dead. I want him to suffer. I want to drop him into a vat of honey and then strap him to a pole on top of the biggest fire ant hill around.

That being said, even though the kid got out of there, Chapter 67 really should have a trigger warning for both the attempted sale of the kid to a predator, and for the duke smacking him.

I do hope this is enough for the empress to have the jack-off arrested, imprisoned, and possibly executed. If not executed, then banished from the realm.

Spoilers? Possibly ....

I've been rereading this with the Official Translations, and I think I caught something. Twice, at least, Sasha as reminisced how someone or something in this life reminds her of someone else in one of her many past lives. I don't think they're all the same lives. I think they are from different lives.

But it got me thinking. There was the spoiled princess who didn't want her to die, a student she couldn't save in time, a teacher who didn't want her throwing herself into the fire, and at least 2-3 other people who seemed to actually care about her throughout her past lives. This is an assumption made due to there being 5 outlines of different people while she thought of people she cared about, but lost.

I think that, even though they can't remember anything, her family, including Mikhail, are also reincarnations. that they were the people she cared for, who cared for her more than she realized. I think the mom is the teacher, and that Lala is either the princess or the student. The others, I don't have pegged yet. And I think the servants might be reincarnations of people who she didn't necessarily know, but had saved, and so they were grateful to her and truly thankful.

Basically, in this life, she is surrounded by all the people who loved her and cared for her in her past lives, even if she didn't realize it. This is essentially a chance for all of them to save her, and take care of her, the way she saved and took care of them.

As for the guy who is messing with her, I don't know where he fits in with the past lives yet. I am pretty sure that he is the main antagonist, and contrary to what some think, I don't believe he is the future love interest. I'm pretty sure Mikhail is the future love interest. So, unless Mikhail has an unknown split personality, which I doubt, I wouldn't bank on her falling for the guy that tried to kill Lala in the boat and tried to isolate her from her loving family.

As for the "white" shimmering dress that has some people in the comments saying that the antagonist is the love interest because his hair is white, wasn't actually white. It was color shifting. I think that's because on some level it is actually representative of everyone that wants to see her happy and living a long life. It literally represents everyone who loves her.

Anyway, that's my theory. Don't know if it is what is going on, but it just seems to fit. At least to me.

Anyone know what the name of the manga is from the last page of chapter 29?

That lawyer guy is so annoying, but honestly, I think he will prove relatively harmless. It's the BIL that I don't trust. I highly doubt he was wanting our MC to come look at potential jobs.

I just can't figure out if he is truly just trying to get MC to fall for him, and willing to deceive him so as to take advantage of him, or if he was trying to set him up for a trap laid out by MIL. Either way, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

SayerSong created a topic of Little Mushroom

Poor little mushroom. You got caught. Quickly! Turn chibi so he remembers how cute you are and forgives you! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

SayerSong created a topic of Lotto princess

Thank you, whoever uploaded chapter 70! It is much appreciated. ヾ(☆▽☆)

SayerSong created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

OMG!!! Totally oblivious to the "Jigu has joined the voice channel" and "Jigu" at the top of his phone. It's basically being hand fed to them, and they can't even realize it. LOL (≧∀≦)

You'd think, that by Thekla willingly giving up the throne, and being content as a mere noble who is raising her children happily away from the palace and not causing an iota of trouble in all these years, that the king and queen would have realize that she and her children are not a threat to them or their standing as King and Queen. But no. They are so paranoid that they have to provoke Thekla and her family in a bid to show that they supposedly have the most power.

Not only does that show that they shouldn't even be on the throne (paranoia of any kind is a bad match for anyone in power), but they are both poking the proverbial bear and the proverbial bee hive at the same damn time. And they are going to regret it.

SayerSong created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I don't always like misunderstandings. But when I do, it's because they're so painfully side-splittingly hilarious, like this. I seriously can't stop laughing with this pair. I'm with the guild members, eating popcorn and making side bets as we watch fireworks. Hehehehehe

Go Sasha, Go!!!! I hope she pulls that rude, egotistical couple down and gets rid of them pronto! Hey, I'm sure that her parents would be more than happy to adopt and raise the crown prince themselves, after the current emperor and empress hopefully ... disappear .... Keeping fingers crossed.

SayerSong created a topic of Past life family

We finally get an update, of 4 chapters in one go no less, and they say they're dropping it already. The happiness I felt over the update has turned to disappointment. I hope someone else picks this up.

So glad that even in rut, he knows who his real wifey wife is. Bitch needs to move out of the way. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

SayerSong created a topic of Baby Tyrant

I can already see Maybelle put a hand to her head while saying "I'm too old for this shit." ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

SayerSong created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

I feel cheated. They were supposed to get together and stay together. But do we get that? Nope. We get a small glimmer of possible hope, without any actual payoff.

┗( T﹏T )┛

SayerSong created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I know I might get grief for this, but I'm still just gonna say it. Fuck Tak.

Tak is a fucking asshole. He is basically raping Sanho, because he refuses to listen to Sanho when he says no or stop. Plus, he has absolutely no concern for Sanho's health or academic welfare. Keeps Sanho up all night and seems to assume that since he, Tak, is okay with it, so should Sanho be.

And WTF is wrong with everyone else? They keep letting Tak drag Sanho away when Sanho is literally screaming for help and saying he doesn't want to go with Tak. It's ridiculous.

And then to have Sanho suddenly want kisses because he's drunk? I know he likes Tak on some level, and that is why he is pissed that Tak doesn't want to actually date. But that is a horrible trope. Honestly, at this point, he should go to the school guidance counselor and ask for help finding a new place to live or a new dorm room, whatever.

Then move out, see about a different class schedule, or even transfer schools if necessary.

I know they will end up together, but the way the author is going about it is just wrong. Tak is just too controlling and downright abusive. The relationship is hella toxic.

I absolutely HATE the Duke. And I hate whomever raped the main character when he was drunk. Kinda hoping it was the Duke, so I don't have to hate the prince. Because I think we can all agree that it wasn't the werewolf knight.

But that Duke seriously needs to GTFO.