I know I might get grief for this, but I'm still just gonna say it. Fuck Tak.
Tak is a fucking asshole. He is basically raping Sanho, because he refuses to listen to Sanho when he says no or stop. Plus, he has absolutely no concern for Sanho's health or academic welfare. Keeps Sanho up all night and seems to assume that since he, Tak, is okay with it, so should Sanho be.
And WTF is wrong with everyone else? They keep letting Tak drag Sanho away when Sanho is literally screaming for help and saying he doesn't want to go with Tak. It's ridiculous.
And then to have Sanho suddenly want kisses because he's drunk? I know he likes Tak on some level, and that is why he is pissed that Tak doesn't want to actually date. But that is a horrible trope. Honestly, at this point, he should go to the school guidance counselor and ask for help finding a new place to live or a new dorm room, whatever.
Then move out, see about a different class schedule, or even transfer schools if necessary.
I know they will end up together, but the way the author is going about it is just wrong. Tak is just too controlling and downright abusive. The relationship is hella toxic.
We finally get an update, of 4 chapters in one go no less, and they say they're dropping it already. The happiness I felt over the update has turned to disappointment. I hope someone else picks this up.