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KingJJ created a topic of Solo Leveling

I honestly really enjoyed this manhwa, even the side stories that people have mixed opinions on (the romance being rushed (which is was)) But if you think about it, everything was basically faced paced despite it being 200chs long which is kinda funny lol but enjoyable nonetheless. The only thing thats really bugging me is that during the juju island island arc (please forgive me i’m so bad at remembering names since I binged read this ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ) and that mage/healer that got reanimated as a shadow soldier only to be put back to rest, he later showed up in the FL dream fo warn the MC that even though he “revived” him, it wasn’t actually him just another version that had his memories/personality/whatever that had a strong will to serve him, but his point was it wasn’t actually him.
I honestly thought this would be brought up later in the story but only for that to go nowhere? Other than the black knight having internal conflict about his original master and his current master and iron forming a crush on him since his body “remembered” his time serving him but that was about it. I guess it doesnt matter at the end since the shadow soldiers thrived under his care but i sorta wish we saw a subplot about the ethics of owning shadow soldier but I understand that can create plot holes especially when your mc needs an army so i’m not that bummed.
The romance on the other hand wasnt bad, but it wasnt

good either. Its feels like its just there so that the MC doesnt end up alone despite being OP. Really sad she didn’t get added alongside the statue of the MC and their child (´༎ρ༎`) i wish the author dived more into her character and gave her more screen time because the only thing I remember about her is that she has keen sense of smell (which i find funny how she think he smells good despite killing anything, anywhere, at any time. like bro u just gotta smell like sweat and death yet here you are smelling like fresh baby powder tf) when it was revealed she wanted to be a track runner i was completely stunned bc i didn’t remember her stating that. She probably did but i’m not going back, too lazy for that lmao.