Page 24! No matter how I look at it, that's a girl's lips right? I've searched the manga and the artist shade the upper lips of the guys, but not with the girls. And who else are tall enough to pass as a man? Mikasa and Sasha! What if that really is Mikasa, and she is now sporting a pixie cut! Wow! Haha

Still waiting for that genius out there to post and explain the ending to me because no matter how much I think and reread it, I still don't get it. I'm that thick.

I don't know if it will help but I think when he said "it doesn't matter it's all for him " maybe he was referring to remind. (or maybe Iam thick too)

I don't know if it will help but I think when he said "it doesn't matter it's all for him " maybe he was referring to taemin . (or maybe Iam thick too)

Do you mean the scene with Min Woojin and his half brother? I try to explain it to you. Min Woojin should replace his half brother after his death. The half brother said the Min Woojin is going to die too because now he can´t be himself anymore. Min Woojin said that he doesn´t care about it because he is doing it for Taemin. At the beginning Taemin was hit by the mother of Min Woojin. I think Min Woojin wanted to be someone who can protect Taemin. So he thought the only way to protect Taemin was to become someone else. I hope you can understand what I was trying to say. And I hope I answered to the right question. :D

Yup! You're the genius I was waiting for! :*
kinda sorted that confusion earlier but I was like "no, that can't be it!" Lol
I was hoping for it to be deeper and more powerful but what's more powerful than love?
I guess that was it. I still can't believe that abrupt ending. But I give it to Haribo, for her first series, wowza!! And she said this series made her grow? Can't wait for her next series. I bet it would be phenomenal as well.

That clearly explains the ending! Thank you!!
He's telling Doumeki to leave constantly, acting cold and shit. But when Doumeki leaves he dies inside even he tries to hide it we can all see it. And when Doumeki comes back he's happy but then back to square one. Lol.