Sorry, meant to up vote! But I’m wondering if this story will have pairs. Like a destined human for a vampire to mate with. This story hasn’t really specified if vampires can have sex and have kids. But it’s clear they can with humans and they’re much stronger (like Ethan)
Idk why everyone needs a plot when there plenty of story with good plots but there is not one smut so go there and enjoy pLoT let the smut sucker here cause we love smut more than plot
I dunno why I got emotional when it's a little cracky... ¯_༼ • ʖ • ༽_/¯ It's just my heart can't take the emotional torture of Titan, I love him so much also Kochi, he also loves Titan so much... I want them together always (*˘︶˘*).。*♡(ʃƪ^3^)(๑˙❥˙๑)
Raw please give the raw
Sir thats a recipe lol
Oh, that was unexpected
I think the original raw link was removed or something. My apologies. And I am a "ma'am" btw.