How does this make sense?? Have the girl who was in the opposing team be rearranged to the team that killed her?? It's a win if the next task is to kill strong monsters however, she stated she'll remember his name. Usually it means she'll come for his head the next time they have to fight against each other....putting them in the same team isn't spicing things up. That's jsut poor written judgment. They are both equally strong people and seeing them fight once more would be more fun than have them not working together because the rearrangement sucks. Wtf is up with that

Sorry if this comes as a bother but I'm tired of girls fawning over a guy be it a new girl from school or random interaction. Like I want to read it knowing which chapters really matter and those that seriously don't. No romance, or implied one-sided romance or not. Please I jsut want school life, family life and fighting life.
"Like when I first meet her" bitch please, the fact you actually felt something other then manipulation prowess from her. Does not lassen my hatred for you, my guy. You left and that's that. Sorry girl but I hope you punch the living hell out of your dad, possibly to the brick of death, preferably. I would love to see that