Can someone explain to me what the fuck did happen in the past PLEASE because it's so twisted ╥﹏╥ pleaseeeeee(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

The person before you did a pretty darn well job but in summary the mother asked for a son, the devil toyed with her and gave her a demon (maybe cuz Givionetta was already there and he couldn’t change her genre or for some deeper plot) then one coworker had a son she couldn’t keep and the maid found him, and in revenge for the duchess speaking against her husband she changed their sons. The maid has ptsd and possibly she’s crazy as she tells the story to winfred cuz she says she’s seeing the spirit of the mother around, when it’s just her guilt eating her up at the thought of the girl she raised be near the demon.
Damn girl... RIP THAT