I want updates hey wait a minute the girl who watch kendi is she really a human or is she ghost..i cant get it but still enjoy watching it senpai is really funny...
Their frnds are very understanding really i n happy they finally patch up after 2 years but still noberu should have already talked to azuma about it those two girls tell the truth...
I love it they finally patch up and their frnds are so understanding...noburo should takj ti azuma already but still uts fine they are together ..tgise two girks give him really good advice..hehhe
I have no words to say about this manga its the saddest yaoi manga i ever read i got eventually shocked while reading it now i felt how loney is this story..i can't stop my tears they r unintially coming out...
Long hair guy reminds me of feilong from finder his expression is like him