This story, so far, is a very authentic representation of rape as it would happen in life, not as a cipher for uncontrolled desires. It's dark, violent and tragic. It doesn't fit the romance genre (not yet, at least, and if it ever was intended to be a romance, it will be very difficult to return to that category), but if the reader can handle the realism, and the heavy, heavy baggage it comes with, this is actually a very good story. Horrifying, but well-written.

It isn't that I am giving his rapists too much power. It is that he is feeling very isolated at the moment. Especially when the seme stopped even looking at him. Also take into consideration that men in general (even here in the US and most especially in Japan) feel they cannot turn to the law or other people when they are raped because it "makes them look weak" or SO THEY THINK. Though it is FAR from true. I wish more men who were raped WOULD step forward. Then the stigma surrounding it may lessen and more men would feel safe in reaching for help and not suffer victim's guilt. The point is, that this is showing just how far out of options he is feeling. At this point in time, now move than ever (since he has heard the seme is moving schools) it would not be surprising if he were to start hurting himself or try to kill himself.
And while you make a VERY logical argument (Hell, I used that very same argument more than once to stop people from killing themselves or hurting themselves). One thing to keep in mind, though, is that people in that situation, or in any situation where they are suffering traumatically, do not tend to think logically. And the point that it would give his rapists or a person's abusers or enemies, satisfaction and power over the IS a LOGICAL thought. And if he were thinking logically, he would have realized he was a victim and would have told authorities, or a parent or teacher, what was going on. But he isn't thinking logically.
So when I say I am surprised he hasn't tried to kill himself yet (or hasn't started hurting himself as a control factor or as a way to kill the pain), I am stating it from a psychological point of view.
I have had the fortune or misfortune, as you may see it, to have been on both sides of the coin in the suicidal/self-harm/eating disorder issue. I have worked long and hard to come out on top and work past the traumas and issues that caused me to do those things, and while that was a long, dark path that I would not wish on anyone, I would not change it for the world. It helped me become the person I am today. And had that not happened, I may not have come to the same logical conclusion you did, and may not have been able to save anyone else's life. It also gave me a better understanding of how to approach people who are in that same dark place I once was.

Ahhh. Okay, then. This is much more nuanced than your initial comment. Thank you for explaining it so thoroughly. I agree. He is in a very vulnerable place. I also fear for his sanity and life. I am anxious to learn what the mangaka has in store for him. Also, thank you for explaining your experiences with so much vulnerability and clarity. I also agree. You have an excellent understanding of how to approach people in a place of inner darkness and turmoil so that you can reach them readily.
Who's a chihuahua now, Bexan?