I want more genshin please hfjsdvcnbdfskj also please don't make aether look like it child it makes it feel kinda illegal to read… also some of the comments are saying aether is a minor?? is he a minor or 5000+ cause I don't wanna read something with a minor getting fucked by adults

before the main story game starts they literally said that they are world travelers :] the unknown god stops them from traveling to the next word so we don’t actually know his age we just assume 500+ :] and he was not unconscious when he was world traveling, now i can’t say how many worlds they traveled together because it didn’t say but i’ll just get the voice clip
‘so what your trying to say is that you fell here from another world. but when you wanted to leave your path was blocked by some unknown god?’ and then the unknow god goes ‘outlanders your journey ends here’ showing that they probably had a plan or something. we don’t actually know what species aether is so assuming he’s human and he ages the same as everyone is a bit sus since our sibling who woke up before us still looks the same :] just saying
and it’s not pedofila, pedofila is going after children aether is definitely not a child :]

Aight fine I agree that his age might not have changed since he came to this planet. But, did you consider that he and lumine are travelers who have travelled countless worlds before this one, do you really think he's a mere 17 or 15 year old after having travelled so many universes? It's insinuated that he has even travelled to a world similar to ours in the voicelines man..
Don't just throw the word pedophile around, I ain't a pedo that's disgusting. It's fine if you see him as a minor but I do not see him as a minor at all because of him being a traveler. He drinks a lot in liyue, don't even pull that arguement for this. Again, it's fine if you see him as a minor due to that baby face of his but I do not see him since for me, there's enough evidence to say that he ain't a minor and that doesn't make me a pedophile in any shape or form.

'Everyone' huh.
Albedo and scaramouche also share his body type, would you call them minors? And people have baby faces irl and look way younger that their age too. But whatever, if you think he's a minor because of his baby face you're free to think so.
But, I don't think I can consider him and lumine minors when they have literally travelled countless worlds before coming to this world.
has this been dropped? if so someone please pick this up!!!!! or hopefully there's an update coming soon!!!!!!!
It’s been dropped :(
The author was forced to stop it bc the main character is evil
awwww okay
There’s still the novel which is apparently over 2k worth of chapters
Ughh! The one time a manga is this good & original