getting head from someone sleep talking and who was drunk, is rape, no? In the last chapter dongjae says "reverse" because it was painful. Shouldn't Tae Oh have done that right away? What kind of logic is "if Tae Oh can do it so can I"? (No, not BL or author logic). And shouldn't Tae Jun have listened to dongjae's "please stop" on page 27 of chapter 30?
Seriously, only respond if you don't fetishise gay men and romanticise rape.

So, me personally. I agree with the drunk scene. I hated it and as soon as I realised what it was going to happen I didn't even bother to read, I just rolled and skipped it over. Now, the two other ones are debatable. Dongjae doesn't seem to be bothered by it, I'm sure he did want to have sex with Tae Jun, but he didn't expect it to take such a tool on him since he thought Tae Oh was the naughty one. And the "please stop" could be seen as revindication of consent, but I don't think so in this scenario. Sometimes when you are overwhelmed/overstimulated you end up feeling a little helpless and you say things like stop, but you don't actually mean "stop". You can spot the difference by checking the person's behaviour after that statement. The safest and best option it's to stop and ask, obviously. But if they're not trying to get away crying and screaming, but instead moaning and seeming like they're enjoying without repeating what they said, I think it's safe to keep going because stopping could also kill the mood. So you have to beware and pay extra attention after that. In dongjaes case, he said it once if I'm not being forgetful...but he wasn't feeling pain or scared or displeased. Simply overwhelmed. And after it ended he wasn't sad or angry, just exhausted but satisfied.

I was reading again, and I realised I forgot to mention the reverse part. Honestly to me, It didn't sound like he really meant it. More like he was being a little dramatic and anxious. And since he's never done it before, it'd be more likely that he would keep doubting and not allowing himself to feel good, so Tae Oh tried his best to find the spot to make him feel good. Which he did. If even after that he was uncomfortable and wanted to stop, then yes. But that wasn't the case. But you could see it like that too. In these situations, consent can be a little blurry for some people, that's why in real life you need to have a conversation with the person before to make sure you are on the same page about what is consent or not. Because besides trying to get away and saying no, sometimes there's things like a moaned "stop" that doesn't really mean stop to that specific person. To me, i don't see it as rape when done to me. But I can't say the same for the people I'm with so I will always have to check. If you feel like that is still rape, that's valid too.

bottom says wait, then make his top wait especially since the arse has no biological means of lubricating the anal passage, you stupid author. And right in chapter 1 so going no further.
Unbridled hostility lurks behind this comment, you want to try changing my mind at your own risk because over here gay men are human and they aren't fetishised.

right off the bat it felt suspiciously rapey and then chapter 7 confirms that this is a romanticising rape kind of webtoon. so i'm out. and another shitty webtoon bites the dust.

This message tells the type of person you are because the fact you'd tell this to anyone acting like you're so high and mighty although u aren't shows that you don't have any home training nor a sense of decency. If you'd like to tell me more about how i'm soo unintelligent then please go ahead and tell a honor roll student of 6 years how they're so unintelligent, please go ahead and tell me how i'm so stupid, how im such a "whore", how anyone can "use me as they please". Please, go ahead and tell me.

struck quite the nerve, huh. Yet you stooped to insulting someone you don't know and now cry that someone else has no home training or decency. look in the mirror. I didn't send for you, why come for me in that manner. You could have chosen to leave "dipshit" in your brain. That's what a smart, self respecting, boundary respecting people do. I guess you're calling yourself a whore, i didn't use that word. I don't know you and i don't care to. Stow your delusions and pipe dreams elsewhere or in your brain too, i didn't ask.
chapter 7 is sexual assault. you don't struggle to give someone a handjob and then proceed after they stop resisting. someone struggles, says no, and stop then you stop. there's no consent anywhere in the struggle. some delusional and below basement IQ person said that there's consent. There's none
delusional people who romanticise rape and sexual assault in yaoi or fetishise gay men should stay away.
I would usually agree with you, sexual assault is a huge problem with the romance genre in general and the fact it is so normalized disgusts and saddens me.
But, I feel like there were excusable circumstances here. Yohan wasn't looking at his mouth when he was saying no, and he seemed to be misreading his body language (struggling = pleasure overload). Besides, due to past trauma, he thought he owed it to him and had to do it. At least that's my interpretation.
Though, I am going to be honest with you. I am just coping. Despite these circumstances, there was still no consent and he was scared into complying, those are the facts. It should have at least been acknowledged by the narrative, though I would have preferred it didn't happen at all. However I've realised if I want to read these stories I'll have to keep coping cause sexual assault is so rampant in romance, especially bl (or yaoi if you prefer that term). It's as if the author can't fathom a man wanting to have sex with another man without being forced, or they perhaps misinterpret dominance as force (I'm not entirely sure).
I can pretty much count on my hand how many romance manga I have read that consider consent and respect as necessities for a healthy relationship. It's awful. But I have learned to set my expectations accordingly because if I just throw them away for it I'll miss out on an interesting narrative (sometimes it is inexcusable, like a full-on assault with no complexity behind it).
These are my two cents, I hope it's legable.
I would just like to say that it shouldn't matter what we read in fiction because nothing is real in fiction.....What happened in ch7 would be sexual assault in real life.....but this is just a Manhwa.....nothing about this is real....and even rape in fiction isn't like real rape.....Only some Manhwas that are like documentaries of rape are like actual rape....for example Pearl Boy is real rape because Jooha isn't enjoying that....So just know that if you like something in fiction doesn't mean you like it in real life....like some reader love a stalking boyfriend....but if someone in real life stalked them then they would be terrified...
I...... didn't....... understand...... a.... word...... you..... just..... said...... sorry......