Ch3 aldo really pissed me off. How dare he accuse shino of running away when he knew perfectly well that they did not live in the same world. ALDO, U REEK OF PRIVILEGE.
he managed to redeem himself, so its cool, but damn, i was so pissed at ch3 aldo, i was ready to slap his ass so hard, he'd fly all the way back to his dad.
Its kiss kiss fall in love. Not kiss kiss KO
Ouran host club! HAHASH this comment is so funny
When i read your comment i automatically sang
Ah. Thank you. My mom said i should be a comedian because im a joke.
Its a golden rule for all weebs. Whether or not you liked the anime, u have to sing.
Ur actually funny HASHAH
AHAHAHAHA Thanks. Its the trauma.