If u could date one anime manga character who would it be?

Could be.I will admit that people who are sad or frustrated can be like that sometimes.Guess it helps relive stress,However that's still not an excuse to insult people religions.In my view anyway ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Could be.I will admit that people who are sad or frustrated can be like that sometimes.Guess it helps relive stress, however that's still not an excuse to insult people religions.In my view anyway ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Yeah thats not an excuse. Why dont work out to relieve stress if you're frustrated instead of trolling on a manga site. She must also have no friends. If shes like that in real life too no one even wants to be friends with her. I woul beat the shit out of her if she spreads her fuckin racism comments

Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.

If u could talk with one animal or bird and make it ur companion who would it be?

I could be ant woman! (without transforming of course) Get answers to tests and spy on other people and stuff.

Japanese wolf but they're extinct :*(
So snow owl.

a cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't believe me ^^ : http://reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Hibird I think she had to meet Hibari at least in the Future Arc. I guess it's time for me to read the manga to make sure lol

Is there a time in ur life when u felt helpless but suddenly a miracle happens and whatever you wanted it becomes fullfiled

I think.. emm.. never °-° i ever got a miracle but the ending is not a miracle.. like emm.. i got rank 2 on class and thats a miracle bcs all of my classmates are a genius.. i wass really happy.. 3days after that the teacher told me that there is sometjing wrong with my grade( ̄∇ ̄") and i got rank 9in the end.. its like a miracle that turn to be a curse...
And it does felt very hurts ╥﹏╥

Are there any people in your life that accuse you for reading yaoi and u feel so bad about it that u want to punch them just bcuz its a hobby and they make a big deal about it? ( ̄へ ̄)

Lol...*pictures the dead marmoset head piece hanging on someones wall. *
Ugh hes so obnoxious and stupid. See Hilary has always given me the full on creeps mixed with complete and utter hatred. Between the two I'd rather trump live...hes at least entertaining...as long as people stop taking him seriously...its be funny if it wasn't scary....

All of my friends in university knows my passion for yaoi and anime. So far no one made fun of me they just treated me normally as one treat someone with a hobby. Its kinda weird how theyre so okay with me loving yaoi. Oh! But my roomate oppose my love for yaoi tho. Shes a homophobe but not to the point of giving lengthy lectures how homosexuality is a sin. She just disapproves them. So far this is the negative reaction i got (=・ω・=)

Haha yeah. xDD With the words Wanted dead or alive. :D But better dead. :3
And his idiocy has no limit. The best thing was when he mixed up 9/11 with 7/11. I was like
Okay you have a point, he is entertaining bit not if its about serious things like being president. D: He would be good as a stand up comedian. :D

(Post vanishing incident...contd...)
Really no one knows what yaoi is...where I live but if I were to phrase it like homosexual / gay thingy they would probably be like ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ "we don't even give a flying rat's ass to what shit you read." So I'm pretty much in a neutral situation.
No one has ever accused me .....my friend once saw me reading yaoi and she never questioned me or anything...and our friend-ship is still sailing.
Just to be on the safe side...it's a secret I'll take to my grave except my sister who knows but she does read shounen-ai so we're square.

How did u got into yaoi guys?

Co- workers, sort of. We would all watch anime after closing time and they would talk about hentai and would swap hentai. Then I asked to borrow some but it wasn't my thing. It's funny because they would talk so passionately about how the girls are perfect. Then I came across a yaoi by accident and I understand now. The boys are so beautiful! All because I wanted to find something that I would enjoy in that sense....

bc im tired of reading stupidity, bullshitness in shoujo mangas thats why i tried new genres and boom, happy as always.

For me it is because of naruto doujinshi narutoxkakashi lol... then later i enjoyed reading other one shot doujinshi then came across with bara and the first yaoi manga that i came upon is darling by ougi yuzuha after that i enjoyed it and then read some more also i drop the shoujo because of so many and endless strugles but there still good shoujo that i read sometimes

Tbh I have NO idea...I think I was watching 2 youtubers teasing each other a bunch and I thought it was cute?
Or maybe I was watching Death Note and I was pairing L and Light???
I honestly do not know, my love for gay shipping crept up slowly, and eventually I watched Love Stage and I found out about 'yaoi.'
I honestly feel soooo guilty for not remembering. Reading yaoi is my #1 yaoi, yet I can't even remember how I came to like it :(

It all began with the boredom. It happened during that time I was really bored of school and such; and people around me that time were no help for they really disappointed me in some ways. I then looked for something different and found this weird dancing boys called kpop boyband. I then began fangirling and shipping on some couple/ship among those boys. Through and through I began reading fanfictions, watching weird fan-made videos, and etc. There I met some fellow fangirls that happened to be fujoshis and.... VOILA! I began reading yaoi mangas (well I can't forget those moments I cringed upon those sex scenes between two males). LOL

i got into slash fiction (through the harry potter fandom when i was 13...) and i don't know how it happened, but i found yaoi_daily on LJ and went from there.
talking about LJ really dates me. get off my lawn etc lol

It was an accident I was on Hulu watching anime looking for something new found love stage didn't know it was yaoi.... The MC looked enough like a girl to confuse me.....watched and kinda got into it the art work kinda sucked and the uke pissed me off but I liked it for some reason and dove into it!
Do u know or met any gay couple in real life if so what were ur thoughts about them (=・ω・=)
Yes! Actually, I was kinda behind on it, I knew both of them separately but didn't actually become friends with them until later in the school year and by then they had already broken up. :P
Both of them were really nice, one was flamboyant and outgoing, and the other one (who Im closer to) is more reserved but suuuper sweet. ^^
My next door is Uke! And we enjoy chit-chat whenever come across.
2 guys of My coworker is a gay , uke ones approach me asking me if I'm fujoshi ? So I told them yeah kinda??
And then we become friends so my Gay friend hv another gay friend and become my friend so it's like Me and my bitches .. kkkk they are so sassy ...
I'm close friends with a few gay couples. They're my precious idiots....i dont treat them differently from my other friends. And i'm not fangirling around or something, when they kiss. haha
To begin with im a girl,Well before high school i was so closed mind and i was thinking it was something like shame(that happend cause im from a village and i went high school to the city)...but in high school i met 2 boys the other kids told me about theyre sexual preferences but never had the opportunity to talk about they're sex life's but never bothered me and never criticized them never treat them differently or something....and in my later life me and my brother and sister we met and have as a friend a lesbian and we even talk about her relationships and ours to and I knew one of her girlfriends and we even slept in the same bed one time....i dont believe that they will treat you differently because they want the same sex that you are i mean they have the same way to live as we do i I have friends from the opposite sex that i dont want to have sex with. So there is not so big deal. From yaoi i learned a lot as a person i had my own ways disliking and filling shame about things now im more open and i loved the art....
Hmmmm I think all my gay friends are single at the moment. I doubt I'd fangirls about them though...kinda weird to fangirl about a friend.
They already been couples when i've met them. :D Oh i bet some girls would do that. xD I fangirl about a friend sometimes, only to annoy him. xD
Okay back to work......>.<
I have a gay friend and he is currently dating a guy.