I’ll be real in the first few chapters I was so ticked off by Jay that I didn’t t even want to continue the book. I hated that she immediately assumed he was being an ass instead of considering that he’s speaking in a different language. I work as an English teacher in Japan and I was so turned off by how she reacted to him and made me think of my Own experiences here of people misjudging my intentions when I speak Japanese.
BUT I like that the story fix this by have the characters acknowledge it and work on better their understanding of each other.
I’m glad I stuck out till the end. It was worth it.

I cry all the time from reading this.
I am so in love with the purines of this story.
Part of me wants them to be with each other and the other part is 100% okay if they are just friends.
I feel like the story would stand out more if they didn’t end up together. But, either way I’m in love with the way this book makes me feel.

Damn bro like I know a lot of Manwhas are like really said and like in the nicest way possible like Korea needs help dude. But this comic wow it’s just like “oh, you’re not sad enough?” BOOM cancer and lies and purple haired men that seem nice but look cray and everyone background character is a fucking judge mental twat and “oh you’re still not sad enough??? Just you wait!”
Wow the contrast between chapter 72 and 73 is so gnarly. The same person wrote those?!?! Geese bro lol
Chapter was a special episode
I know, it’s just the contrast of the two couples is so extreme