they're all such a mess, she's for real the only capable person in that whole ass household

I'm so pissed I binged this and now I NEED MORE (I love them so much, this story is great but I'm dying here waiting for the misunderstanding to demisundestand )

anniewho created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

"He stole my first kiss" GIRL YOU'RE DELUSIONAL

anniewho created a topic of One room TA

motherfuckers fighting over who's wrong when they were both in the wrong. Relationships are sometimes like that, both people do fucked up shit, and they break up because they're bad for eachother. You all need to stop looking for villains, when this is a story about people.

Also, a bra for a cold chest? Big brain movements over there.

anniewho created a topic of My Sadistic Master

excuse you??? uh uh, no, I don't like this guy

shoo shoo, stay away, you and your weird vibes

He really said "I'm not dealing with shit" and went for the pills

anniewho created a topic of Our Sunny Days

if they keep this up the writer will need to pay for my medical fees after I rip my own skin off due to how wholesome this is

anniewho created a topic of Involuntary Romance
anniewho created a topic of Top Star Sent by God

I know what you are

wow, this is sad as fuck (and wtf with the rape at first???)

anniewho created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist

Victim complex, narcissist, kidnapper, stalker, rapist, what's next? Is he gonna steal Christmas? Inflate the economy? Murder children? Ban TikTok again???

I need someone to smack his ass, beat him up and kill this bitch, I swear to God that his deluluness is getting on my nerves. You know what? I'll do it myself, I just need a bat, I already got the will.

(Thanks to the person that called him Varabussy, it's fucking
hilarious and I love u)

omg I love them so much they're so precious to me Their story may be ordinary but it's beautiful, real and I love it. I need 20 more seasons, a movie, a series and an anime asap

anniewho want to read


  • Author: Fujitobi
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / Shounen Ai
anniewho created a topic of Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!

did he went away? did he leave?? WHAT'S GOING ON IM CONFUSED

I got tricked... WHAT DO YOU MEAN SUMMER???
I consider this cyber bullying fyi, omg I wanna cry and punch something so bad

anniewho created a topic of High school queen

guys, are you really complaining about how realistic or not the bullying is in a story where the protagonist GOT TRANSMIGRATED INTO THE FUCKING FUTURE???

And even if the bullying in Korea it's pretty bad, obviously some aspects are going to be exaggerated to keep the story going. If everything got resolved with a video or a call, there would be no story. Also, there needs to be fights so the protagonist can show her skills and stuff, that's like the whole point of the story. You all need to chill.

anniewho created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Omg she called him papa That's it, they're married, she officiated them with just that.