Dawg this couldve just been fine and even better if the rpe attempts werent there Like they feel forced too You absolutely did not need to do that the first time you survived a car crash
Yk what. I fw this sht heavy. Probably not a bl but a definitely supressed homosexual with weird kinks and a sadistic guy with even weirder personality dealing with ghosts? 11/10. I love my sht ambiguous
Dawg its been some time since I popped in to check the new update and the first three four panels i see is that humongous thing going inside him? dawg. aint no way thats humanely possible
someone in the comments said they checked the raws and got more chapters. i had my own source but i got blocked (dawg), so if someone has one thayd be nice (=・ω・=)
Why do none of the characters I've read every single DAMN time lock their doors when they masturbate like BROTHER. ARE YOU PUTTING A SHOW FOR THE NEXT PERSON TO ENTER THE ROOM
The commitment some of us have here to continue reading it till the end, makes me feel like a team lmao.